Custom Nimbus's

ok ok i know its not so PIMP!!! but it will be soon enough i bought it as the frame and wheelset no cranks no seat no post clamp so 170 i paid and im putting my 125 moments on then getting 125 qu-ax for my 26er im getting green oddyessys plastics green oddy clamp and yea its got a luna tyre

that cranks gonna be a bitch to get off the guy who had it before me he stripped the threading where the crank puller goes into so now i gotta cut it off very carefully

yea i was bord and sprayed the pedal while it was still on the frame and all. while waiting for my other frame to dry which is white.

Thanks UniKid for putting the pic up. i’m not to sure on putting pics up lol

I’m still working on upgrading my Nimbus. Byt the time I’m done with it only the hub will be the same as it was when I got it. It’s going to take another few weeks to get parts delivered, but once I’m done it will be the awesomest looking unicycle ever. I’d tell you what I’m planning for it, but it would ruin the surprise :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s gonna have a black, red, and white color scheme with a tiny hint of gold.

No need to cut it off, go to the hardware store and buy a cheap gear puller that clamps on the outside,(2 prong variety should do it) and use as a crank puller. piece o cake!

aaaarrrrggghhhhh well u see the thing about that is its too late its already off i am really good with an angle grinder i didnt damage the hub one bit but the crank well WAS a crank is now moved on

well here she is now

its shit

kiddin its pimp now do sum fully sick drops with it

i will kill u for that josh i know where u live sorta :roll_eyes:

The quality is crap but my uni is fresh!



mr.UNIversal and the guy above me: Yo rides are PIMP. I hopefully getting a KH 20" trials although that is not a nimbus and not custom. lol.

My New Nimbus just turned up today. :slight_smile:

Not custom but Im just excited… :smiley:

My parts are on the way!! Here are the specs:
(I already have the frame)
Frame: Custom metallic green nimbus frame
Seat: kh fusion street, all black
Seatpost: black 4 bolt, if I break it, I’ll get a better one
Clamp: black quick release
Nimbus 26" muni rim (I think I’m gonna drill it, but I’ll keep the holes small for strength. I’ll bevel them so you can see the silver ring around the hole)
Spokes: 14g black
Nipples: green to match frame
Hub: nimbus isis cromo
Cranks: venture 152’s
Pedals: jim c’s or green pcs

I’m very confuzzeled. Should I leave on my Longneck frame and possibly kill the seatposts while crankflipping?

Or just leave on the Nimbus 2 frame I have with a pretty kickass seatpost and the ends chopped off?


wow… it looks so much like a 16" trials uni. Are those cranks 127mm or 152mm? they looks pretty long for 127mm and short for 152mm.

The Mighty Inverticycle

This is one of my Nimbusses (Nimbi?) that I’ve been playing around with recently;

It was a plain old chrome Nimbus (Euro frame I think it’s called?), with hookworm tyre, which was great for hockey. I’ve added the fork extensions (Thanks Fraggle) and another wheel… oh and decorated with home made vinyl graphics as an homage to The Mighty Boosh.

The graphics have been on the top half (ie the Unicycle) for almost a year now, so they’re a little bit smudged… but I’m sure Noel Fielding would still be proud though :smiley:

Oh, and the seat is on backwards because the pedals kept on unscrewing themselves!



Oh, and whilst I’m posting in the Custom Nimbus thread, here’s my muni;

It’s actually the same unicycle that UCD UK list on their ‘specials’ page, except that I’ve changed the wheel for an almost identical one but with the older style KH 8 spline hub.

Of course, a unicycle normally looks better if it’s cleaned before being photographed… but, I think it is actually against the law to clean a muni :smiley:


You need a freeride seat for your MUni or something along the lines :slight_smile: Awesome set-ups !

Why? The saddle I’ve got is perfectly comfortable for muni. Maybe a bit heavy, but generally the whole thing is pretty heavy.


Nice, the two wheeler looks great.