Pictures of your latest ride

That’s not sooooo bad (looks like it’s healing :sunglasses: ). I’ve even seen worse than these.

-20C MUni with Paco, fun snow MUni but a little chilly

smuggler MUni paco 1 13 13 low res2013-01-13.JPG

so realistic looking…


-7 C.


Glad yall still get out in the cold!

Only did 11 miles but was hard going in foot deep snow that was drifting to 3 feet in places, all of which fell in 10 hours yesterday!

The “The Todd” tyre was amazing yet again gripping where my mates Hans Dampf was spinning out even up snowy icey hills!

I briefly rode my 29er the other day and it felt so twitchy and small, I am wondering when I will ever ride it as the 36er is so awesome



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Very pretty Feisty.
With all the mud, snow and wind you’ve been riding the 36’er in, summer riding might turn out to be a little boring for ya. Warm and dry and all.:smiley:

Wow, Feisty great pictures!
Seeing these pictures, I can’t wait for my 36" (which I ordered last week) to be here already…
I promise to share my pictures as soon as I get it!:slight_smile:

Luckily summer only lasts for a week or two before the rain starts again :stuck_out_tongue:

It is incredible how this snow has hit us a week ago it was torrential rain and then a blanket of snow.

The problem on this trial is beneath the snow the deep puddles are still there with half an inch of ice over them so I was riding along struggling with the slow then hear an ominous cracking and bang I drop 4-5" into liquid mud which splats out all over the pure white snow and off I go, normally with my foot going through the snow and ice into the mud as well :stuck_out_tongue:

I have some fun videos I need to post as well (mainly of me trying to ride deep snow drifts and going face first into the snow :p)

We just finished a round of heavy rains, record setting, lots of localized flooding, then the front passed and it’s blue skies and warm weather :smiley:

It’s still swampy on the trails, so I rode the 26 x 4 Knard last night, today is rest day, tomorrow I’ll ride the 36er or the 29er.

Expected temps in Chattanooga: 56 Degrees fahrenheit, that’s ~13 celsius to all you non yanks :wink:

I do so love riding in shorts and a t shirt in January :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe this is a “Pictures of your latest ride” thread so pony up some pics :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t even post videos in this thread for fear of the forum Nazis so posted them in the video forum :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello everybody,

Today is Epiphany Day, when we plunge into cruciform “Jordan” ice hole

“Well, and where’s your bear on a chain?” asked me around ice hole (“gentle” hint of circus and stuff…)
“I put him to bed in den, even in the autumn. You should be aware that the bear sleep in the winter” I answered “But not a uniсyclist” :slight_smile:

Who needs a gym when you have MUni!?


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Real winter unicycling at real winter.
-50C. Yakutsk. KH36.
It is getting hard to ride after 5 minutes. Bearings get frozen.

Kарточитатель you won!
Now getting back to -5C summer here :wink:

You can get some low temp grease for your winter rides.
No wind… lucky you! :roll_eyes:

Dude, use the search function. Here’s some places where you should be posting unicycle poems.

Unicycling gets you fit…and any age! :sunglasses:


looks like the “make me buff” photo filter to me :wink: