Level 11 Competition

Did you at least practice unicycling in the same day?

I did…

I think the Santa Barbara crew is holding a Level 11 test ride tomorrow (or was it yesterday). It´s called Tunnel Trail. Ride every inch of that that bad boy, top to bottom, and you´re a Level 11 muni rider.


i cant tell if you mean the real level 11, cause that’d be hard. Or just a, i’m past level 10 for good riding.

This is a very disturbing thread and that is even more of a disturbing question.

Also is beastiality an option.

It wasn’t disturbing (maybe inappropiate for some) until you posted.


ask yourself:

is beastiality an option without the unicycle?

as for level 11.

Ivan i dont know whether i want to watch that or not. well i do… but i dont. torn. I am going to try this weekend if i end up in such a situation.

Tom, is that you wearing a dress?

LOL! This thread really makes me laugh!

I’m only 15, I can’t do that stuff (With an unicycle and in internet) :roll_eyes:

I’m pretty sure that some Brazilian Girls would like this competition… In three years I will post something :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Luck!

probably, maybe, possibly.


although it is a few years old now.

As I interpret Ivan’s rules, there doesn’t seem to be a requirement to, ah, insert tab A into slot B. This leaves things open for lots of “creativity” that may be undesired?

Is there anything that can make me unsee that last picture?

it also leaves open what tab A and slot B could be, lol…


what if my partner is pamala and her five sisters.

(are sure givin’ me a bad case of nasty blisters)

(watch the vid, listen to the lyrics, you’ll learn what i’m talking about)

hey inflatable people are people too

you made it come to pass, control that curiosity.

Can I Quote that??? LOL!

You guys. No bestiality, doll fetishes or specialty holes operations. Mmkay?

Male orgasm can be reached through the anus if that’s your thing. In case of two ladies, they can stop when they both feel satisfied.

Another position would be possible with that giraffe with pegs from defect. One is riding, the other standing on the pegs, doing guess what.

2 girls one cup?