Level 11 Competition

There are better things to do while you’re down there. Keyword being “down”.

how do the participants of this competiton know that once they submit thier video it wont be used for blackmail of some other nefarious plot?

Does meeting all the other criteria while having 3 unicycles in close proximity (one being a giraffe, with the giraffe criteria also being met) count?

This is insanely funny, as much as I want to know it can be done, I’m not sure I’d want to see it be done. :astonished:

I just hate riding in the wet spot…

sure thing

that is a very confusing and concerning thing to say

Perhaps you need a new tire… creating a new meaning for the term “sticky rubber”.

Maybe he just prefers the rough?

has anyone actually submitted a video yet or even attempted it?

See i dont care that much about the act, i want to see a video of the conversation leading up to the act…

“honey, i want to have sex…”

any or all of the various women that phil has sex with:

" just like every other night darling? I wouldn’t dream of anything else other then a night of shagging with you… honey"

“on a unicycle…”



i mean it would be nice to meet another unicycle chick that was interested in level 11. I mean why stop at 10 right?

So for any ladies out there… unicycle or not…

would a girl ever actually be interested in trying level 11? should we ask you? or just surprise you with it?

Actually i’m thinking it would be quite easy to convince your gf… do what girls do.

Honey, I don’t feel quite up to it today, got a headache…
girl - awh… is everything ok?
I think i’ll just sleep?
girl - you sure?

then that’s when you go, oh wait i have my unicycle under the bed (conveniently placed a few hours before…) and then you go, you up for trying it on a unicycle?

I bet it would work… gd luck to anyone that tries… - remember white tyres if it’s indoors and metal pedals are not recommended. Be safe wear shin pads and helmets. Gloves are probably a good idea too, but might make things a little less exiting.

common guys, we need videos :roll_eyes:

Are there any life-like attachments that will fit a T7 handle?
Make sure your computer registers TOP-SPEED for the event.

Might help lead to level 11 club status.!?

I heard rumors that Ivan is in charge of a level 11 workshop at unicon 14.

someone is a little anxious…

and under aged :stuck_out_tongue:

Ivan is in charge?
oh man…
so is is going to be like a sex therapy thing?
or is unicon going to turn into a level 11 orgy?

oh and thats level 11 unicycle skills

and an 8.5 on the rickter scale

I saw the workshop program. And it is scheduled in between the expert pair freestyle on july 27th. So it will have 1500 seats for spectators.
I’m looking forward for this Ivan.

geez, do think there will be a full blown demonstration? :sunglasses:

looks like i got to get me a plane ticket

Don’t let age hold you back;) otherwise you up up being 21 and wonder what the hell happed.