Whos your Unicyclist Idol?

My kids - they constantly inspire me and fill me with a sense of wonder and awe.

Anyone who has fun and a sense of perspective doing this silly, one-wheeled thing.


I’ve no idol, like many poster on this thread, but one name pops into my mind: Irene Genelin.
She’s got amazing skills and is a really, really, really, (insert as many “really” as you want here) nice and friendly young woman.
She spent 9 month with us in Nantes for her studies and totally deserves the honorific title of “Galoupiote for life” (Galoupiot is the nickname of the ACUN rider gang).
We were not worthy:o
We miss her so much:(
Just one unforgetable quote:
“Ce n’est pas impossible c’est très difficile !”
translation :“it’s not impossible, it’s very difficult!”

Hey, she’s not my idol, she’s my uni godess:D

Ahh… Les Galupiots me manque… :frowning:
Translation: I miss the Galupiots.

Merci beaucoup Zzagg… c’est très sympa.

One thing that I find very impressive about all unicyclists is the incredible trend to be cool people. Sure, every once and a while you come across a dud, but for the most part unicyclists include the warmest, kindest, and most bizarre people I have met.
I spent 9 months in Nantes, France (as Zzagg pointed out) and after I started understanding the French language I realized this phenomenon spans the entire globe.

Yoggi and Kris Holm i think

there’s always one isn’t there. one who has to lexically outdo the rest of us with an oxford-english style essay :stuck_out_tongue: joking!

Tough one. All the riders in both Universe 2 and Defect are very impressive and give me something to aspire to. They also make so much of it look easy which gives me hope.

My original inspiration however, came from Kris Holm and Nathan Hoover. When I first saw ‘Into the Thunder Dragon,’ that was when I decided I NEEDED to learn to ride a uni. Bought one on ebay and the rest is history.:slight_smile:

I have a HUGE list. lets see

Kris Holm
Nathan Hoover
Shaun Johannson (sp?)
ryan atkins
Erik Douane
Jeff Groves

and a few others I can’t remember:)

You put Jeff Groves twice^^

lol i wasnt paying attention

now its gone:p


My girlfriend, Pinwheel.
As I watched her wobble up and down the hallway, then progress onto the tennis court, then onto the park paths, then up and down the local roads.
Up until 6 months ago I had never seen anyone unicycle.
She inspired me to get on one too.
She’s my hero.

john childs kicks ass too

terry big wheel cause he has snake handeling skillz

Kris Holm

Kris Holm

I’d have to say Kris Holms because he’s just amazing and awesome.

Kris Holm…thers no s:D

Hey Telegirl, What do you have against the best logo in all of big-money sports? (her avatar basically says “No Red Wings”)

how about those red winds
(lost the 1st series)

Kris Holm and my dad