What Was Your Worst Unicycling Injury?

My worst Unicycle Injury was a broken Collarbone for two years ago. It was two completely broken through, a plate with ten screws holds everything together again. I can’t ride for 3 months. I wore my protection jacket but this does not hold everthing off. It was a Muni Accident. That Injury doesn’t stop me from continuing to rode my Muni. Don’t go beyond the limit of your ability, that’s what I have learned from that crash.

So, I have not had any injuries that I would call in the category of “worst”, merely flesh wounds. However, once I started researching unicycling topics on the internet, my ad feed started popping up ads for “dental implants”. I told this to my dentist who is a good friend of the family and he just laughed.


Scraping my shins and calves while trying to dismount.

I broke my wrist riding in the forrest. I had not seen a small drop (approx. 10 cm) :confused: - I fell backwards and hit the ground with the hands first, and it was before I bought some decent KH-gloves :confounded:
On top of that it happened 3 weeks before Unicon 16 in Italy (2012) and 6 weeks before I moved from one place to another. Really not the best time to break a wrist! But I participated in Unicon and the moving went fine as well.
Best regards,

I think my wrist guards have saved me more than once. I’ve lost skin on my fingers more than once after taking most of the impact on my palms and there are some deep grooves scratched into the hard plastic where they hit. I managed to pull a pectoral muscle hitting the ground once as well.

At this point I am sold on palm, knee and head protection for unicycling. I haven’t noticed a need for more protection than that however. I have elbow guards as well, but have only fallen once where I’ve bumped my elbow and I only wear them if I’m practicing some new skill that intimidates me. I’m planning on setting up a trials course in my backyard in the coming weeks though and when I do that I’m going to go full motocross armor.

lol and all it was was a little scratch :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t have an injury, but figured this thread would be the right one to post in.
This week I have a cold and sneeze all the time. Then after work I wanted to ride uni. At some point I felt a big sneeze coming on, but I figured I could ride through it. Apparently I couldn’t, because I lost touch with one of the pedals and the sneeze ended up in sprawling on the ground :slight_smile:

  • Note to self : stop riding when needing to sneeze.

Or at least slow down. I learned this when I had to adjust my footposition on the pedal. My foot came off at “high” speed and I lost skin on both knees.

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Until this week I had never injured myself unicycling.
I once taught a friend’s wife to ride and in a moment of abject horror that I’ll never forget, she managed to fall into a rose bush. She was pretty badly mashed up and never unicycled again.
Back to me… on Monday I was 20k’s into my ride when I hit a stone at 20kph and UPD’d onto my knees. They’re healing well but still very painful.

Ouch, looks pretty nasty.

I have similar pictures of a knee wound, which a month after the accident still hasn’t fully closed yet - which probably makes it my worst injury. I had kneepads on, which unfortunately slipped. They were getting a bit worn out, but with the impact I had I’m not sure how many kneepads would have had a chance of staying on.

I’ll probably be back on the Muni next week, not sure how much that bail will have impacted my confidence on the uni, I’m afraid I’ll have to spend quite some time to rebuild it.

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Used your knee as a brake pad too eh? Looks like you got it worse then I did on mine how long did you stop riding for?

The old knees make effective brake pads :rofl::joy:
I only did this on Monday and am planning on riding later next week, but I’ll have to see how realistic that is.

Be patient and let yourself heal properly. I broke a toe last year and rushed back into riding then went and broke the same toe again as well as the one next to it… That really set me back . I regretted jumping the gun on my health and safety.


Several people has been talking about kneepads recently. I had a crash yesterday, I was going at full speed 24-26km/t with 100mm cranks after dark (aka. I was asking for it) and after 42km I crashed right before the finish line. But all I have to show for it is a not-so-bad scrape on my one elbow.
I was wearing the “IXS Flow Zip Protektor”.
It did not slide and indeed, there was not mark on the pad - I thought the front would have been torn up after the first clash, but no!


I own a set of these as well, but without the zipties. They do not slide on a crash, saved my skin several times and still look quite good. Sometimes they move during riding, I have to pull them back up every hour or so. Like them :+1:

It’s funny how I think I can spend $100 on handle bars and be ok with it, but my mind says spending the same amount on knee protectors is a lot. I do have the KH leg protectors but half the time I have taken them off when riding offroad as they are too warm… also, they sometimes catch on the frame.

One of these days I will probably buy the mtb types…

I wonder if what you describe would not rather be the priority/usage comparison: at the same price point, you subconsciously (or not) compare how much it will be use or improve your ride. And in your example, it is something used almost constantly (handlebar) vs a what-if (protection). I am not saying that it is a good think to think this way. But buying protection on its own merit and with comfort in mind makes a world of difference (and feeling as good in them as in slippers is not bad either :wink: ).

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I have an unused pair of KH Persussion leg armour and even after my recent knee injuries I’m not thinking about using them. :rofl: :joy:
I am however looking at some skateboarding type knee protectors :wink:

Yes; I felt the same way. It took at crash for me to buy the protectors.

How do they look after the crash?