What size did you learn on? A poll

24" Nimbus at the ripe old age of 38 and still only 5 ft 4"

20 inch

Age 11


20" no name learner

44 years old

5’ 6", although I’m still hoping I’ll grow up one day.

Why??? If you grow up, then you’ll hate your unicycle. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

24" Nimbus 2

Age 36

Height: 5’11"

why blue, you learnt on the same uni i did!

we’ve talked about this before too!

It’s kinda freaky though because

  • You both speak english fluently
  • You’re both good buddies
  • You both learned on the same unicycle
  • You’re both members of this forum

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Yeah, what’s weird is we both have the same tyre too.
A 2.7" Maxxis High Roller.

Cue Twighlight Zone music.
Or X Files music if you’re under 30.

20" DX

15, and I’m learning now.

Oh now that is awesome. A good friend with a very good unicycle. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Age: 18/19

Wheel Size: 20"

Me: 24" Torker LX at age 36 - 6’3ish

My son: 24" Sun at age 12 - 4’8ish

Son has switched to a 20"…


Age 26, 26" pashley muni.

Bit of a challenge…

age 14
5’ 11"
24" sun

18 inch, age 14

Age: 14 11/12 (learned in september birthday in october.)
What: 24" Schwinn
height: 5’ 4"

Started at age 14 on a 16" Troxel with hard plastic tire. Piece of crap, very user-unfriendly. No idea how long it would have taken me to learn on a “real” unicycle but I spent six weeks with that one. I could ride about 30’, but when I started trying to make turns, the thing broke due to its poor design. I was unable to repair the design flaw to keep the wheel from stopping against the fork.

Fast forward three years to age 17. My neighbor has a Schwinn Giraffe (20" wheel). After much trepidation, I finally started trying to relearn on that. I spent 45 minutes riding away from the hood of a car to where I could go where I wanted and cover some distance. About a week later we attempted to ride 10 miles, which brought me to my first experience with severe crotch damage and painful urination…

The first unicycle I owned was also a Schwinn Giraffe. Later I got a 24" Schwinn.

24" Sun

39 y/o


16 inch
14 years

Sweeet info! Thanks.

A 20"… this seems to be the case and I so regret not having one as I am sure one of my boys would pick it up in no time. Maybe I need to order yet another uni. :smiley:

This IS the poll. I didn’t create a graph for it yet since there are too many variables. I think ones age and height influences success on the uni… “polls” here only allow one variable…

A 12"? WOWWWWWW! :slight_smile:

A 26"… how tall were you??