What a community!

I just want to say that it makes me proud to be part of this unicyclist community. We are like no group of people i know.
Everyone here is great, even people that might be over the top sometimes. And we have such a strange mix of people here too, scientists, teachers, piano tuners, musicians, performers, laborers, etc. It is amazing the thoughts and ideas that float around this place.
I also love the support here… great people all around. I have never felt so accepted so quickly.
And the really strange part, most of us haven’t met, and a lot of us might never meet, but I know that I at least appreciate most everyone if not everyone on here…

Just thought I would share some feelings tonight.

Hey SpaceFmK, it’s good to have you as part of this community.

And computer programmers!

I’ve also at times been struck with the same sentiment. But the way you say it really drives the point home. It makes me pause and appreciate anew. Thank you.

Selah, in other words.

Hello SpaceFmK,

I haven’t been here very long, but I absolutely agree with everything you said!
This group of people (shall I say friends) is really amazing!
Being a part of this community has made a huge difference for me!

You are right! People here talk to everyone as equals, regardless of age, occupation, race, or geographic location… or even unicycling prowess.

This little slice of the world is a pretty special place!

Thanks Everyone!

Agreed totally. I think generally forums are the best thing the internet has giving us. What ever your interest, you will find a forum, and whatever your question you will find an answer.

And to maintain the best of worlds, Gilby has given us the DONATE option as a button in the upper right hand corner. Please use it occasionally to make sure this sight remains healthy.

wow-Ive been coming here forever and never noticed that button. Thanks for pointing it out…I may have to make a click on it sometime soon

If not the very best thing, definitely one of the top ones. If you have a question about problems with your Android OS phone, seems to be the only place to get real answers.

Hey all you faceless avatars out there, I love you guys! :slight_smile:

Unicycling brings together a diverse group of people to these forums. We share only one tenuous common bond – the ability to ride a one-wheeled contraption. We span the devoutly religious to the atheist, meat-lovers to vegetarians to vegans, liberals to conservatives to the more correct libertarian persuasion, and the spectrum of occupations, educational background, and age groups. In the grand scheme of things, the ability to ride a unicycle seems almost insignificant. It is, however, the beacon that calls us together and the cornerstone of our community. In fact, it defines the boundaries of our community, because you can’t gain membership without it.

But our one common bond is only the starting point. We read, we share, and we participate. We get to know each other. And we form friendships that need no qualification such as “online friends” or “Internet friends”. Just friends. This is the real bond that ties us together.

What I enjoy the most is being able to talk about any random topic of interest with some of the nicest people on the Internet. I’d rather talk to my friends here about non-unicycling topics than to go to a more appropriate forum elsewhere – and talk to strangers who are often unfriendly and egotistical.

:sunglasses: except for me unicyclists are a diverse group of unconventional oddball people who don’t mind (and in some cases enjoy) all that attention as they unicycle in public.:stuck_out_tongue:

When I saw that you replied in this thread, I just KNEW that you would be targeting, er, quoting me.

I almost need to refer to the algebra thread to parse your statement correctly:

except for me (non-group qualities x + y + z)

me = not (x + y + z)

me = not (unconventional + oddball + enjoy or don’t mind public attention)

And if we distribute the not:

So you are a conventional, normal person who does not like or enjoy the attention of unicycling in public?
: :astonished: : <– that’s an EEK!

EEK!, Billy!, EEK!!!

P.S. - EEK!

Not entirely, we always have people join who would just like to learn how to ride a Unicycle, some don’t even have one to ride yet.

True. The intent is there. The desire. Most who go as far as posting here actually attempt to learn. But you are right. We accept them, welcome them, and encourage them even though they are not yet unicyclists.

“Ex-unicyclists” (I’ll put that in quotes) are most welcome, too. Like the much beloved dogbowl, who had a bad injury while unicycling and chooses no longer to unicycle. But he will always be a unicyclist in our eyes (and his, too, I hope). Besides, anyone who writes a song about unicycling has a lifetime membership.

I used to be an ex- unicyclist for the past 2 years or so. I rode again today, it felt awesomely great. Been watching videos to get me motivated, so I aired up the old (getting rusted) 29er and rode about 5 laps around the parking lot before my legs gave out. in a month or two I want to be hitting up the *ike trails. Maybe after that get my sponge frame and build my ultimate dream uni, we shall see.

And with a community as supportive as this one is, how can one not want to ride again?

There’s no such thing.
You can join up any time you like, but you can never leave.

Ah ah ah… I think you mean…
You can check out any time you like… but you can NEVER leave!
Dun dunun neer…

I was thinking more Secret Society rather than Classic Rock, but mostly we’re on the same page.

The MAFIA just can’t sing 5-part harmonies like the Eagles used to do 'em.

Just say it! WE ARE AWESOME

Ok, so does a unicyclist that’s been on an extended break sound better?