I have a 4G phone.
I’d like to find apps useful for a musician, to do the following:
- record live music with pretty good quality
- a good metronome
I have a 4G phone.
I’d like to find apps useful for a musician, to do the following:
I don’t have an Android phone but I thought I would post in your thread just to waste bandwidth. It’s a trick I learned from Billy.
Billy, it is quite insensitive of you to so blatantly flaunt the riches that you seem to take for granted. Most of the world cannot afford an Android phone, much less any phone at all. In fact, so many just struggle for enough food to eat. How would they feel if they read your post? Such “civilized”, Western petty problems you have! That’s what they would think. That is, if they could afford to buy an expensive computer like you have to even read your post. But they are too busy trying to find food and clean water. Maybe there’s an app for that?
Are you joking or being serious?!?
What about the 5 billion people in the world who would make unthinkable sacrifices just to have a job at WalMart like Billy. Or who would work for a month just to own a pair of minor athlete endorsed sneakers like Billy has. The luxury of attending concerts frequently engenders the need for a free app on an exotic phone to record with high quality? How does one justify these extravagances? Oh, well, the third world doesn’t mind Billy walking on their backs with his golf cleats on so he can get to a 7-11 to buy a Perrier and a pack of smokes.
And If you are serious, it’s just ridiculous and hypocritical to say something like that. People here “flaunt” their 24" or 36er Guni’s, how much are they, ~$1500? (which I have no problem with BTW). And surely people have the right to do that, don’t they? So do you think people are flaunting their riches every time you see your neighbour jumping in their normal car, or see someone watching TV, or see someone buying chocolate ice cream at the shops, because much of the worlds population certainly can’t do that either!
Greg, are you being serious? I’ve been asked if I’m being serious. I’ll go with whatever answer you give.
raymanh – are you familiar with BillyTheMountain?
I’m so serious, I’m Billy serious.
raymanh, I am Billy serious.
Well let me get out my golf shoes and say… Billy, you are way cool, my phone is only 3g… it could barely take harper’s wasted bandwidth.
As for your question, I’m going to have to point you twords the people in the cell phone department…
Billy, we’ve had a lot of good responses. I hope we’ve answered all your questions.
Apologies for my post. Didn’t realise this is just friendly banter.
Got to admit though, it would have been a good response if you were serious about your post Dave
Hi Greg! Hi Dave! Hope you’re both well. And the others too.
Well it was definitely a lot easier to have you do that for me… I didn’t even have to think about searching.
doubtful on any phone. a cheap audio recorder that i have been very pleased with is the Zoom H2 (around $175)
Billy Ray Serious?
This definitely is a better option, and you can also add a higher quality mic to those guys too if you want to start getting even better sound.
Raphael, I hate to take this fine thread off-topic and interrupt the massive flow of help going out to Billy and his 4G Android phone, but yes, I’m doing well. I injured my leg recently (pulled or strained something in my calf area) and haven’t dared unicycle yet because of it. So, as usual, I missed the Unithon. I really thought this was the year.
Brian, are you saying that the built-in microphone, which is fully the size of half a grain of rice is no good? Please explain in more detail for Billy’s benefit.