UniNats 2010 Countdown!

Yea, just give it a go, lots of fun.

In my opinion use the new street rules (zones) and flatland rules (flat battles). Also keep the highjump over the bar and jumping straight onto something as unofficial but we can do it anyway if anyone is willing to organise it. (Although I can only hop about 65-70cm over a bar but I can hop onto something tha tis 90cm+) :stuck_out_tongue:

well the new street rules will take a lot more organising. i’ll try to get flat battles as well but that will depend on how the prelim runs go. chances r we will hav clear results after the prelims or we might run out of time, as i was told it will b held friday night in civic, so we may hav to follow a tight schedule.
i doubt anyone will really b bothered with an unofficial high jump comp as well as an official one. ill leave to someone else if they r keen on it as i dont wana give myself too much to organise.

Who organised highjump, longjump, street and flat last year?

Make sure when in Canberra you go ride trials at John night park,it’s off the chart

noone lol. i ended up being the one doing the high jump n long jump cos noone else wanted to do it (nic helped with the long).
flatland just happened, but its fairly easy to do. just get some speakers with an ipod, pick some judges who know wat trick is wat and done.
and of course we all know about how much of a fail street turned out to b due to poor organisation.


I can’t wait :astonished:

Hopefully I can go and see what its like :smiley:

Im excited, my first unicycle convention/comp. :slight_smile:

Gonna be sick. Booking my bus, flight, bus, accomodation, bus, flight, bus… NOOOW!! :smiley:

Can someone just clear something up for me :slight_smile: - Is this event ONLY competitions between riders or do they have like those ‘workshops’ where some more professional riders teach you how to to do tricks :smiley:

and one more thing - if it is only competitions- do you HAVE to enter them


And one more thing- where abouts in Canberra will it be held? :smiley:

Hey Jock…

No. Uninats is definitely not just competitions. Riders come together just too meet each other, ride casually, show each other tricks and yes some workshops too. By “professional riders” teaching you stuff, it’s all fairly casual really. :stuck_out_tongue:

There are many different events (like mountain, trials, street, flat, races, highjump, longjump and more). Depending on the event the venue will change location.

Okay thanks :smiley: That helped alot

Awesome! the registration is open :smiley:

So pumped!

:astonished: Less then 2 months, very excited. :slight_smile:

I registered today

Can’t wait. Get pumped guys!

Looking forward to seeing how much you guys have improved.

Haha, well I’ve improved so much since last year. This time round I’ve got a half-decent ride :stuck_out_tongue:

Last year I was the guy with the beard on the rusted up 18’’, red thing that could barely ride seat out.

This year I’m the guy with no beard, on a green nimbus trials that can 5spin. :sunglasses:

Oh, and kickass avatar Unicycledood, that cutscene blew my mind!