Unicon XV who is going?

I want to go, but it looks like we (me and Louise) may not have the money or vacation time to make the trip. :frowning:

9 in a row… nice :smiley:

If i can make it it’ll be my 3rd.

Hi i’m new here and this was the first thread I saw. Was just wondering how you guys pay to fly all the way out to NZ? I have been saving for a while and only have like $700…

Full time jobs for the most of us.

Busking on my 3-wheeler, can get up to $150.00 per 2.5 hours :smiley:
Also B’days and Christmas= $$$

Sweeeeeeeet. Looking forward to riding with you and Pele. (and everyone else of course.)

So yeah, I’m thinking about going. I’m heading through Wellington around that time so I might aswell swing in for a look. Might take my uni too.

I am humbled by the fact that so many nez-zealanders participated in European UNicon.
So I am ashamed to think about the budget :o … I’ll have to convince significant other to come with me visiting beautiful NZ and convince my liege Lord to let me not perform my duties for … well what about 3 weeks?
(moreover the over-sixty unicyclist pack should be enhanced just to show the public at large this is a sport for everybody).

I’ve just been having a bit of a hunt for flights but can’t see far enough ahead on the websites to see what they’re likely to be next Christmas.

I’m also a bit wary about booking a flight a year in advance when so many airlines and travel operators are going bust.

But yesh, in short, I’d love to go and am making provisional plans to do so.

If I go I’ll stay over there for a month or two to travel about a bit and meet up with some friends over there.

That means you’ll need at least three more whiles to have enough for the whole trip probably… :slight_smile:

In 2004 Zack Baldwin and Jess Riegel teamed up to do fund-raisers to help pay for their trip to Japan. The main event they did was get the city of Roseville to let them use the stage in a local park, where they advertised a show that they did, collecting donations in the process. I was going to be in their show too but I couldn’t make it. Zack went on to win the Trials competition, while Jess made an awesome documentary of the convention experience.

Lol yeah even if I did have the money I can’t go by myself anyway. Maybe in a few years :slight_smile:
What do people do at shows? Do they do like street performance shows like on a giraffe or trials/freestyle stuff? I may need to get me a giraffe instead of a trials unicycle and learn to juggle on it :slight_smile:

I advise you to learn juggling either on the ground or on a smaller unicycle at first, because if you learn to juggle on a giraffe every time you drop a ball you will have to get off and remount!

Yes, it’s a great way to get good at freemounting.

I want to go, but it all depends on my money and schooling situation, I might be starting university that year as well.

I might be going, as well.:slight_smile: It would be my first unicon ever.
I´m still searching for people who want to travel with me before or after unicon. Anyone who is interested in traveling with me can write me a message.

job shmob… a class i teach will be in full swing by the time unicon hits. and my students are just going to have to suck it up :stuck_out_tongue:

I am going and so if forrest. we got our round trip tickets for $1050

this will be my first unicon… and i am sooo ready

Im going, I live in NZ so I dont have to travel far, it will be my first unicon.

You traveling with Anna, Meg, Kirsten, Kathleen, and Forrest? I might be traveling with them. I know I’m staying with them. I wont be all paid for until last minute though.