The Gamecube Thread

What are your favorite gamecube games? What are your favorite genres? Also, post pics of your collections of games!

fjdlajf!!! DUDE…IKARUGA!! best game ever! if you havent played it…play it. its SO AWESOME!!!

My gamecube & collection. The only rented game there is Wario World. I’m also getting “Tak 2: Staff of Dreams,” “Frogger Beyond,” and “Zelda: Masterquest” for Easter. BTW, I know my so-called collection stinks… :frowning: Oh yea, I know Zelda is in a rental box but that’s cuz I bought it from the rental place (they actually aren’t supposed to sell them but I just said I lost it and got it for 1/2 price!!!)


i have a game cube but i never play it cause they suck :frowning:

yeah i really hate gamecubes, Ps2 are the way to go. I would want an X-box but i owuld only play halo and halo 2, so i wish they just made like a hola box for twenty bucks where all you could play was the halo… that would rock. But my all time favortie would have to be n64, has all the greats Mario 64, Super smash bros.(melee sucked ass), Star Fox 64 my all time favortie game, 007 golden eye and Perfect dark. Those are the greatest games ever created.


yeah i agree the ps2s are way better and i know because i have both ps2 and game cube. i’m not sure about the x box though. my friends say its awsome.

by the system that i have in my house right now this is how i would rate it

  1. x-box
  2. ps2
  3. playstation
  4. n64
  5. gamecbue

not including handhelds

yeah i agree the ps2s are way better and i know because i have both.

I’ve always been a Nintendo fan - the Gamecube is the only current game system I own, but I rarely play it because I’m too busy with other things, like unicycling and studying math. My favorite Gamecube game is probably Mario Kart Double Dash. Ikaruga and Prince of Persia are pretty fun too.

You like ikaruga?! YES!!! I beat that game by myself, but only on normal, I beat it on hard alone, but thats becasue i have pretty much unlimited life from excessive gameplay. my systems in my house are:
sega genisis
s. nintendo

I think thats it

I got my wife a Game Cube for Christmas in 2003. We only play one game on it, Crazy Taxi. The purchase of the Game Cube was not the best choice. It made sense at the time because it’s cheaper than the other brands, but now apparently there’s a more advanced version of Crazy Taxi for PS2 or XBox, but not for our Cube.

ummm…you must be kidding…right?
my systems in my house are:

I have:
Super Nintendo
Sega Gensis
i used to have an intelevision but it seemd to disapeer over the years


This is a fun game.

I have 5 regular nintendos (8 bit)
2 super nintendos
1 nintendo 64
1 game cube

The 64 and game cube were both bought 2-3 years after they came out, respectively.

Gaming hasn’t improved much since the days of super nintendo. Graphics have, but gameplay really hasn’t.

8 bit nintendo
Super Nentendo
2 Genesises

Dreamcast is my fav system ever because they have good grafix they are cheep ($15) And the games are free!!!($0)

how are the games free? :thinking:

They are free if you have the internet, a cd burner and a littel know-how. I have 5 “real” Dreamcast games and about 80 total Dreamcast games.

im gonna go buy one and we shall talk more

HEY Tyler i found your halloween costume.

I forgot who said i must be kidding about all the systems but im not…me and my older bro are vid. game addicts…and we love it. So all the systems that came out, we went to get, i think theres a few we dont have, like sega cd because that was retarded, and vurtua boy, which was cool, but we both werent interested. My fav system i have is definatly x-box, i love it. and republic commando! its so awesome! HUZZAH!