The Gamecube Thread

Come on, Tyler, now you are just getting un-original. Look at THIS HERE thread.

We currently own:
Gameboy DS
Sega Genisis
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
Atari 2600
Atari Jaguar
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
Gamboy Advance SP

We have about 50 games for the SNES, 25 of the NES, 30 for the N64, 4 for the Gamecube, 10 for the PS2, 3 for the DS, 3 for the Xbox, 7 for the TurboGrafx, 15 for the Genesis, 5 for the Saturn, 3 for the DC, 10 for the 2600, 1 for the Jaguar, none for the 3DO, and a ton of Gameboy and Gamboy advance games with several versions of the Pokemon games.

The 3DO, Jaguar are merely for display, and the only ones that get any real use are the SNES, Xbox, and Gamecube. The TurboGrafx has the coolest cartridges, these little thick metal credit cards.

Currently though, Ive been playing on my compy and finnally abusing my Nvidia Geforce 4 card.

We sold our PS2 a while back, there just weren’t enough GOOD games coming out to keep it.

YA REALLY !!! :angry:

love the cube…like Tim said, the loading times are second to none.

Here’s my updated collection (after Easter)

The games are (from left to right):

Top Gun: Combat Zones (top)
Tak 2: Staff of Dreams <New from Easter
Zelda: The Wind Waker
Super Mario Sunshine <New from Easter
Wario World <New from Easter (bought, not rental)
Luigi’s Mansion
Crazy Taxi

AHAAA i KNEW i posted in this thread before, i just thought i had some sick deja vu…
