THE FLIP VID (shaun johanesson)

hey dan when are we gonna see a vid from you (im too poor to buy defect)

Thanks Dan (sarcasim). Haha. o0oo oo0o <- (me flipping him off) haha.
I’ll work on my style when you gain weight. haha.

-Shaun Johanneson

hey shaun…what are the specs of the uni your riding in that vid?..not that it matters…i just wanna kno.

Yeah, were’s the KH?

That video is pure deceit. Every trick in that video was made with photoshop and iMovie. Congrats on your effective use of LIES.

But seriously, sweet video. You’ve inspired me.

Absolutely amazing riding…and finally something to show off when you’re asked to “Do a backflip!”. :wink: The unispin to donkey flip was particularly amazing.

I noticed you’re having the same problem as me with your camera. You may find that thread interesting, it seems this is a common problem with some particular CCD’s. I haven’t yet taken it in to be repaired…I’m scared of the cost. One semi-solution you may like to try though is to set your white balance to “Spotlight” or something to that effect. That works best on my Sony DCR TRV22E. My camera used to look like that with the little bit of yellow and the strange vertical streaks…it’s gotten worse, but this “spotlight” white balance setting seems to work reasonably well. I’m filming a trials comp I’m riding in next sunday so I guess we’ll find out then.

Again, outstanding riding!


I agree and i know that it would be odd if you included yourself but…

I think you are up there with Xavier and Shaun i mean your defect scenes were amazing your flow was excellent.


urmm just got an idea
i saw the late flip in that video and though if you have time to throw a backwards crankflip in before it you could do a crankflip to crackflip back that would be ace

has any1 done this??


No one has done this yet that I know of, but i’m looking into it. Catching cranks then flipping again, or just kicking the cranks backwards right away from a forward crankflip. Expect it in my next vid down something though. On flat this would probably be too hard. I really like where you mind is at, that’s rad. Thanks for the comment.

-Shaun Johanneson

Sorry Shaun but im going to be the first to do crankflip to crankflip in the air. Ha probably not but I will compete with you. I am also going to hick a 5 so I can be tied with you. It shall be sweet.


id try but i cant even 1/2 crank flip :smiley:

I think doing the backflip first would be easier, but what do I know. I think whichever one is easier to catch would be better as the second flip. The name would be better as “Backflip crankflip” though.

i wanna see some1 do it now it would be so cool


Yeah anyone of a flip to flip trick would be awesome. Kelly you get that five set, film it, and send it to me. Haha. I’m excited. Good luck.

-Shaun Johanneson

backcrankflip to front crankflip… nuts

i’ll give it a go

i cant even crankflip… are they really easy one u do it like 3 times jsut like 180 uni spin ir 360 uni spin?? cuz once i did my first 360 unispin i could do it easily every time…

It wasn’t like that for me but maybe it is for some other people. Once I landed my first one it took me probably longer than 2 weeks before I could do them semi consistantly.

Skateboardly speaking, i think it’s a flip underflip : Rodney does one in this video


i love them moves… nut its not the same more like one of the 1s bob burquest does where he kickflips catched baord with hands and fli[ps it woth his hands back under his feet


Crankflip wallplant? Maybe?