Second Day of Practice Video

I just realized that my tires were a bit underinflated, which made it easier to dodge all the debris in my neighborhood, I inflated them to a more proper pressure, (still low according to the tire, 40 min, 65 max, and I have it at like 40-45) it’s much easier to freemount though, but harder to control when the tire is kickin around rocks.

When I was first learning not so long ago I made a series of hourly videos on my progress from absolute beginner to competent learner.

Sideways balance - that you seem to refer to - was highlighted in this video:

This shows what I was doing to try to keep from falling off as the unicycle leaned to the left or right. There are other videos covering my progress over six hours that you might identify with. PS I note youtube has taken out some of the soundtracks because of music copyright and thus also removed some of the dialog - but you should get the picture :slight_smile:

PPS: if you mouse click the video window you will be taken to the set of vidoes I made.
Hope this gives some useful feedback

Monocyclism, those videos were really fun to watch. I wish there was more video of people riding especially when they are just starting out. Today is my hour six. I feel like I’ve improved a great deal with mounting and riding forward. Backwards is another story. Got a feel for it but not the nerve.

I stopped counting hours past 2 haha

Monocyclism, great video and commentary. I’m sure you’re aware of it, but I noticed at around 3:12 it looks like your seat is turned. But afterwards it looks straight so you must have fixed it. I have a bad tendency to ride in a twisted position where my right shoulder is angled back, and so far the only reason I’ve can find for it is that I’m applying stronger pressure to the left pedal and therefore need to compensate with the twist. But I’m also always fiddling with my seat alignment, thinking it might be contributing to the problem. I wish I had the same natural talent as the OP here, it took me months to do a static mount.

I’m amazed by the things people are attempting after a few hours practice, like backwards riding, idling, uphills :astonished: I guess it depends what the motivation is for learning. My sole purpose for learning was to ride a 36er - so I was heading more for road-riding and probably a little XC on smooth tracks. So for example I really don’t feel the need, or desire really, to ride my 36er backwards. I think the great thing about unicycling is it provides everyone with a way of approaching the sport that suits them personally.

Munimutant I think I have seen your video riding a 36er? I also have the tendency to ride with my right shoulder back - and I think you are right about stronger pressure being applied. If I am just ‘coasting’ along I can sit more square with arms at the side. When I speed up I hold the T7 or seat handle with my ‘dominant’ left hand and the faster I go the more my right shoulder ‘twists’ backward. I also feel uneven emphasis on the pedals as my posture tries to cope with the growing speed. I also did it on the 24" whilst learing. I think most people would say, ‘Practice, practice, practice and you will get better’ - and that’s exactly what we do, right? :slight_smile:
Yeah seat position is what I focussed on and I posted a thread about it. Although most people replied it is a personal thing and seat position may not be the issue. However, I recently found a seat position that felt much more ‘stable’ helping me to improve my riding tchnique I think. Its all relative and perhaps meaningless but here is a view of the seat setting I have found to work for me on the 36er:

i havent tried free mounting but i like your technique and will try it tomorrow…i’ve only been having fun for 6 days now…this is the farthest ive gotten…my 7 year old son is very supportive…lol

Monocyclism, FYI I just posted a new thread on the “twisting” issue here.

Ok so far two moms have put me to shame with their ultra-fast learning. But on the other hand, it’s so cool to be part of a sport that accepts and supports all ages and skill levels. May it always be so. :sunglasses:

Different people learn at different speeds. Some people practice A LOT, some people have really good balance to start with, some people just understand it quickly, blah blah blah. Nothing to be ashamed of. If I had not done so many other balance-related sports, I think it would have taken me much much longer to learn to ride.

i used to be part of a Glock pistol forum and there were alot of rude people on it which made me not join forums of any kind. I have to say that I agree…this is a very supportive group forum!!!:D:D:D:D

You just have to think about what the forum is for, I’ve joined plenty of great forums, you have to be careful of what they are for, there are alot of jerks out there. From experience I can tell when to not join a forum.

yeah, usually i just surf through to get the info i need…BrianP said this was a good forum so I took my chances…lol

Nice progress mbaulmer and unouni, and love the profile name unouni. I have been at it for 20 hours (1 month) and am still really struggling, I just rode 50ft last night after an hour long practice. That is my best run yet, I am very jealous of all yal who pick it right up. Maybe it is because I am learning on a 26"er…ya I will blame it on that. :wink:

I am almost there…man I thought I had a good balance before starting Unicycle?

thanks vinnya…i cant wait till i can go 50 feet. the one thing that really helped me was leaning forward and also looking ahead. get your power animal and call it out when you need help…lol mines a jaguar and i make jag calls when i feel frustrated…it really works…im not kidding…

Even if it is edited, I find it impressive. The first weeks I “rode” I did nothing more than cling to the wall bars in the gym where I leant to ride. And freemounting came a good time later. - Right now I try to learn idling, hopping - and going backwards, which I find annoyingly :angry: difficult. My best result backward is still 4½ wheel revolutions. Normally only 2 or 3. Or maybe ½ revolution, to be more precise.

Good luck with the unicycling! :slight_smile:

Best regards

Honestly what you say is more common! The people I have SPOKE to personally say it takes them a month to 6 months to learn. Anyhow, my goal is to have fun. If I’m not having fun then being good/not good doesnt matter. I’m having fun! I enjoy the process so as long as I’m progressing just enough I’m not totally frustrated, its all cool. I’m pretty stoked how well I’m doing considering my broken arm deal and all. Even today being hyper, I seem to be getting it. Peddling too fast throws your balance off but recovering it better now. I get my new uni I think tomorrow and I’m so psyched!!!

Ya it is a blast, I have stopped drinking because of my uni…I only get to practice after I put my kid to bed and I tried having a cocktail with dinner once and it made practicing my uni an aweful experience. It is so cool to “feel” that balance and control…then I fall. I want to be able to ride in the next 2 weeks before my father comes to visit so I can show off my mad skills! :wink:

Lets all keep practicing…it is nice to know that there are other out there who are going through the frustration too.

Ill keep all you guys in my thoughts while uni-ing…its like you guys will be there without actually being there…lol:D

I do wish I had someone to practice with, I’ve tried to convince a few of my friends to get one, but none seem too interested. I told em they’ll feel stupid when they see me bustin out awesome tricks, they’ll wish they had learned with me!!

4 revolutions backwards today, but I was holding onto something to start, and I had to stop because there’s a Grill at the other side of my porch… and I didn’t feel like falling on it.