Hey does anybody have any of the new prorider t’s? I would love to see them!
I saw them at NAUCC. They look great! You should have been there. You should see the artwork of Kelsey.
Anyone got atleast any screen shots of the designs on the T’s?
I got one of Shaun. Its awesome. I love it.
Ill try to get a pic up later.
His was my favorite out of them all. I should have bought one!
Zack’s shirt is a muni picture… which I didn’t understand.
Here is a picture of Kris Holm’s:http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showpost.php?p=545130&postcount=32
The only part I don’t like is the faces…
I have the kris holm shirt .
I think Jason Alleman has them all, I know I saw him with one and he mentioned having a bunch.
Where can you buy them? I would enjoy having them and I am willing to pay what they are worth.
lol, not quite. I have three - Ryan, Jeff and Dan. They are all pretty awesome shirts though.
Justin, you can buy them from Darren. Just send him an e-mail - info@bedfordunicycles.ca.
Wanna post the pics of your t-shirts???
in that kris holm one, does he have 4 fingers on his right hand?
most people do have 4 fingers on their right hand.
I bought the Zack Baldwin and Dan Heaton shirts. Woo! I’m taking them to Unicon as possible trade items. If they get traded away I can order more!
The shirts are intentionally “cartoony,” like the other Bedford characters. But each has a touch of the real person’s look or personality in them.
I didn’t know Kris had curly black hair…
So is it the bedford team thats had these made for them they are sweet as i am so jealous, ill se if qu ax fancy doing one lol
Heh, not the whole bedford team, just the really good/famous ones.
kris’s seat looks sooo hard.
spencer, they should make one of you on BC lol.
I don’t exactly count as “pro”.
I don’t think many people would buy a Spencer shirt:)
Your BC picture looks better than the Jeff Groves pic they used…
Do you have a picture of it?