Bedford Pro Rider T-Shirts. any more pics?

Hi there, I’m just wondering what a few of them look like? I ordered a Zack Baldwin one with my steel KH trials frame from Bedford a bit back, and it’s set to come soon. Joe (hodges) has already got Ryan and Kevin ones which look pretty cooL!

In the mean time, i’m wondering what some of the others look like, such as the Shaun J and Dan Heaton shirts. and the Zack one?

These are some of them:

Some of them look nice, now I’m tempted to go out and buy some other types of Bedford shirts. :roll_eyes:

Zack Baldwins shirt was a little dissapointing for me, it’s him in a muni picture, instead of what he’s most known for, trials. But, 'sall good anyway.

Sorry I don’t know of any more pictures, but the Dan Heaton shirt is of his huge backside tire grab. Check out this thread: pro rider T's

I’m the owner of that shirt now :slight_smile: haha!

Spencer’s shirt should be done soon.

Edit: Why is dan not holding the handle?

Because the artist drew him that way.

Because he’s to good for handles:p

Whos the guy on the far right is it ryan? i think so but just to make sure.

There is a new Pro Rider shirt comming out that Darren showed me this weekend, but I totally forget who it was. There is another picture of a girl with a uni. Sort of like Betty with more clothes. Actully, not like Betty at all, it’s a much better drawing.

So yeah, 2 new Bedford shirts comming out!

Yeah, it’s Ryan on the right.

I emailed Darren a while ago about what the shirts looked like; he said he was working on getting pictures up on the site, and was hoping to have them up ‘next week’…This was about 2 months ago. I made a thread about the same thing, but this one got more replies with pictures.

Here are all of the links to shirt pics from that post:

Probably Mike Clark because his was the last one finished. Was he grinding a handrail?


Oh sweet! I want that one…

Check out Shaun’s videos. He is wearing his is some of his shots.
In my newer vids, I might have some clips of wearing it.