Post a picture of your unicycle(s)

…Brompton fold padals…
Yes, of course, but
I’m using Wellgo Quick Release pedals usually, that is much much cheaper. Now is time for testing on play ground only. Ice is everewere on roads.


While I applaud peoples innovation and thinking outside of the box, I don’t understand this concept. You could just remove the seat post (and saddle) and accomplish more than having a folding seatpost. Or just do nothing and have it be 10% bigger…

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anton005, Thank you for compliment and advice to remove seat post. You can believe me, I’m doing it during five years. And I’m tired to remove the saddle. I do not like to carry an unicycle without a saddle + a saddle without an unicycle, two pieces. I like to carry compact and handsome, folding unicycle, which can very easy be put in a car, in a shop cart, under office counter, on the shelf in train and it is still left in one piece format, it left to be full unicycle. It is ready to be unfolding in several seconds and I no need to adjust and tight a seatpost. My seat left all time adjusted and tightened. It ready to be folded and unfolded several time in a day by the way to work and return using trains and buses.
(remember please, how you, personaly, did adjusting of your seat last time, no very pleasent work, yes?)

It is my fantasy only :), not confirmed in reality.


I wanted to say that too. I do not mean to be negative, but I do not really get it. IF it works for someones niche needs, thats awesome and I applaud the effort. I just don’t see it appealing to a wider audience.

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I guess the average person on the street could say that about unicycles in general? I like the irony :wink:

Anyhow, I think it is a neat idea and well made, it is by folk doing stuff like this that things progress and I’m sure Zivit got enjoyment from making it and using it.


I feel it’s time for an update on my current favorite unicycle since I built it a bit over a year ago.

Wheel and frame is unchanged but I’ve also come to realize that I (at least for now) enjoy flowy trails and cross country riding instead of the more technical stuff so the unicycle has been tweaked for this purpose.

The M4O Handle Saddle setup is described in more detail here but I’ve since changed the saddle to the ISM Prologue that is a bit softer than the PS 1.1 I initially used. I love this setup as it provides bike-like comfort on a unicycle for me.

Brake has been upgraded to a 4-piston setup. I initially upgraded to a Magura MT5 and used it for many months until I recently discovered that the strange noise I was hearing when pushing hard was due to the MT5 brake caliper hitting the Spirit cranks :zipper_mouth_face: So now I’ve changed to Shimano BL-MT401/BR-MT420.

I used 137mm cranks for the first month. Then I used 127mm cranks for a year and last week I changed to 117mm. Kind of natural progression I guess but was quite surprised that the recent change from 127mm to 117mm gave me an instant speed boost of 10% and now my average speed on the 29" (~15km/h) is almost similar to my carbon 36" (using 137mm cranks) average speeds. With practice (by gaining confidence) I could likely increase my 36" average speeds but right now I have no motivation to do so.


O.k. it makes much more sense to me now, thank you for the explanation. I guess we all have our own realities, we all do things differently and have our own requirements. I’m glad you are making progress :+1:


Finally found a way to hang my unicycles without drilling the wall.


Got a KH 36 in the mail today. Had a t-bar laying around and slapped that on it. Boring but I wanted to note it!


My UW / BC collection. All hand made.


All this talk of ultimate wheels reminds me I don’t think I posted this before. I built it during lockdown (24") and, no I can’t ride it. Maybe I will try again…


Nothing boring to my mind about this ride. KH36ers are so refined and in my view probably the least in need of tinkering with for an off the peg ride.

Love the fact we get brake mounts on both sides and back in KH blue.

Main lesson with this kind of unicycle: never sell it.

But you won’t as once on a 36er you’re stuck for life in this rolling hobby / obsession.


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Thanks for the encouraging and awesome words!

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New unicycle for Jazzy - 12” Hoppley


Oh great! Another person better than me! :joy:


As someone with a little one on the way - I’m genuinely curious if/when they will be successfully riding that thing. Keep us in the loop! :smiley:

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Will do and congrats!

I suspect solo riding is more likely when she’s 3. Currently 2 years 2 months old.

Mainly depends on leg length and getting the physical wherewithal to understand and handle small tumbles.

This is to give her a ‘taste’ and for it to be more engaging that her trying to sit and “ride” one of my bigger wheels.

The key here is however I feel that: to her unicycling is normal and something she sees me do often.

So the logic follows that she’ll emulate this activity. It’s nothing weird and there’s no barrier to entry.

She’s not a physically shy child and is eager to move and try things so I feel pretty sure she’ll “get it” and one day shortly post 3 years, she’ll just: FLY.

But before then I’ll be holding her and saddle - with Jaz doing the peddling… then maybe in 6 months with some ‘just one arm / hand’ supporting.

It’s super cool to see her drawn to riding them without any parent persuasion or instigating - bless her! :heart_eyes_cat:


Same, my wife and I are talking kids and I’m going to be getting a uni for the small one and probably a cargo bike to bring the kid on Unipacking/bike packing trips. I figure if I start them early they will be willing to go on trips.

It’ll mean I get to still do this new hobby I love and give my wife some quiet time.

Also the extra weight of the child will mean amazing gains


Heres a picture of most of mine with the exception of my first cheap unbranded 20" and a 6ft girraffe which ive not ridden yet.

20" club
20" nimbus equinox
26" nimbus which was my first ‘big wheel’ and 'decent ’ unicycle
27.5" qu-ax odd ball bulid with a 20" freewheel
26" nimbus hatchet