Pictures of your latest ride

Haha yeah, I had originally named the Oregon “Fatty” since I put on the 4" wide On-One tire.

Had a mild inner tube failure on my 36er today. Guess I won’t have any pictures of my latest ride for a few days! :frowning:

Some pics from our Nepal tour…

Just another ride on Hilton Head Island

Hilton Head Island is a great place to ride. Lots of scenery.

Hey that looks similar to a bar in Bali.

Hey that looks similar to a bar in Bali.

Great photo Vertigo. That bar is UNIque :smiley:

Was that the Unipal Tour? That must’ve been great. How did you find unicycling at altitude? Any word where next year’s Adventure Unicyclist tour will be?

The pics from Nepal are from UNIPAL.
Yes that was fantastic!
We’ve been Unable to di the high mountain pass due to bad weatheer conditions. We arrived at 4000, then it started snowing, so we had to come bdown from the samt side of the mountain.
But, you know, the weather and the Mountain must be respected.
Riding at altitude was fun, we simply had to drink a lot of water, gain Max 500 meters every day. I especially felt better day after day.
One of us suffered from very bad high altitude problems (pulmonary edema and cerebral edema) so the sherpas had to carry him down, in the night and under the snow… But the following day he recovered 100%!

Next tour will be… Well, there are some rumors… But nothing sure,yet.

Now I’m editing the video, even if my heart is crying for the poor nepali people…

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