Pictures of your latest ride

The explanation was helpful. At first glance, I thought you were in some sort of cemetery hoping on the tomb stones.

Riding the wall at Ocean Beach, San Francisco, during the Tour de Fat festival…

I have the same hell on wheel shirt =]

Frank should make more.

Post 3720

I doubt it’s a 3" though. A 2.5 tire w/ small knobs won’t fit on my LX unless I shim the bearings (although mine is the newer model w/ a tad less clearance).

have been enjoying some wheel’y fast MUni on the 36’er. some screencaps from the GoPro.



Gap at a Downhillrace in Germany.
Thanks to for the picture.

holy nice rolling muni gap Lutz. thats big…

Thats so sick!

Please tell us you landed that safely so we can all exhale.

@ lutz- that is an amazing gap- did you clear the section?

Not exactly a picture of my last ride, but of my last ride that pictures got taken at. 67.2km in 4 hrs 34 min at the Rocky Trail entertainment 4/8hr enduro race at Wisemans Ferry.

Full writeup and more pics here


mt ascutney VT…

hiking in the foliage is more fun with the Uni! photos by John O’Brien NX1Z.

I did the gap 3 times (practice run, qualification run and in the race) and landet it all 3 times :).

Nice autumn weather - perfect for a ride in the neighbourhood… :slight_smile:

late afternoon spin on the 36’er

Rode my 36er uni in the Long Beach Marathon today, 10/17/10! Did the 26.2 miles all non-stop, with no dismounts or falls! I also Filmed while riding and still managed to finish in 2:04! I’ll have a writeup with stats and video a bit later. Cheers! :smiley:

So, did you register for the Düsseldorf Marathon on 08-May-2011 yet?

Here are some pictures from the Alps / Italy, taken last Friday…

Nice pics everyone! I can’t quite compete with the Alps, but we had a nice clear day on Dartmoor today and I met up with another local rider, Alex, for some muni. He’s not been riding that long, but had a really good go at my favourite local loop. Here are a couple of pictures - a few more on the UK forum here if you’re interested.


I am currently in Israel for the first unicycle convention. More pictures in my Blog:

If he landed that drop from the last picture, looks like he’s picking it up pretty quick. Nice shots!

definitely a day for all critters to warm their bones in the sun, including this little guy on the trail