Pictures of your latest ride continued

Got out for quick 18K ride on cycle path

You should try free-mounting on single track trails. As soon as you hop on the wheel rolls against the side of the trail where it is always a bit higher and u’ll tumble off again. It sometimes helps to get on, make a hop to get your balance and take off.

My ride today, had to bend nearly in half to get under this arch, took several tries to do it without falling off.


Tree got in the way

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A ride with my best friend Akira from Corlieu Falls last week. Might ride again today somewhere.


One of the last rides before magpie season started here in Australia.


From last weeks ride organised by @Gockie


Yesterday’s ride at Mono Rock, Bass Lake, CA:


Took my 24’’ muni to that Maggia Valley. Sorry, I somehow missed the opportunity to take a better picture. :wink:



I like how the road was modified!

I had to look that up:

If the bird is aggressive then the only thing which really works is maintaining eye contact. Not easy to do on a unicycle when you’re also worrying about traffic and/or uneven surfaces.

I don’t bother unicycling during September/October as the magpies just kill the fun. Gives me a chance to practice my duocycling and running instead.

Maybe a Mountain Lion or Cougar hat that has eye on the back would work for magpies. They say that they will not attack if you keep watching them, especially not a sneak attack from the back.
Like this:

Today I rode 55km around Mt. Rigi, my longest ride by far. I’m so exhausted, I don’t know how you guys ride centuries, no matter whether kilometers or even miles…


That’s not exactly my last ride, but my last interesting one.

A 1h30 walk the way up and then a nice 30min downhill in the south of France.
The path was sometimes a bit rocky, sometimes dirt, sometimes grassy.

On the way up, an abandoned funicular:

The abandoned station:

It was kinda haunting. :ghost:

At the end of the path, at the station, I met an elderly couple. They were quite surprised by my unicycle, didn’t believe at first that I would downhill the trail riding it, and urged me to be very careful :relieved:


That place has a haunted insane asylum feel to it with the fog and everything.


Totally haunted house creepy feeling!
Could you explore the building?

All the doors were closed and I didn’t feel to climb stuff (too dangerous) :sweat_smile:

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I know this building very well ! yes you can explore it … if you know how :wink:
there is a terrace at the top and when the fog is going away the view is stunning
me on the same path (but with clear sky):

Oops: I forgot to mention that there is also a stunning restaurant at the end of the ride (but Canapin , who is vegetarian, did not taste “garbure” - the quintessential plate in Gascony’s cuisine-)


You should have told me this a few months ago!