Had a ride with @PedalSprell. He took a little nap on our trip around Oslo.
Here is one of both of us
Had a ride with @PedalSprell. He took a little nap on our trip around Oslo.
Here is one of both of us
That’s perfect.
Actually, I was a bit late for the trip, and when approaching the Opera someone yells “here comes the circus clown!” It turned out that was @ruari who somehow managed to get behind me, even though he arrived before me.
Also, I knew he wouldn’t come, because he had said he was otherwise occupied. Turned out he had a sudden opening, and was also the only one showing up for the trip, which turned out to be great, and quite long with only the pair of us.
Also, I made the mistake of staying on the road instead of following @ruari on the sidewalk when we approched a barrier that only lets the bus through. So instead of hopping up on the sidewalk and risking a UPD, I went for the safe choice which was to climb over the barrier while rolling my 29er under it, and remounting on the other side. No feet on the ground, even if that counted as a dismount I guess. A planned one at least? That was a truly graceful manoeuver, as Ruarí commented.
Looks like PS to me - a planned surmount
Passed a signpost, on which was written one of my favorite line of poetry (from 1000 years ago): do not listen to the sound of the rain pattering on the leaves, why not chant and stroll slowly along.
Looks magnificent!
I agree, I’m instantly jealous and now want to buy another uni.
Love the simple clean look. What model are the pedals, and what’s the rationale behind choosing those? (the same question could apply to many of the components now that I think about it!)
It’s a stock Mad4One 90 freestyle uni, but I swapped the tire and pedals out. The pedals are Moto Reflex pedals. They’re completely flat and just have some grip tape on the top. My friend has them on his bike and likes them, and I also saw “GOU” the freestyle rider on instagram uses them. They looked nice so I thought I’d give them a try. They’re also a little bigger than the pedals that came on the uni, and I’m generally a fan of big pedals. So far I like them.
I prefer to do both at the same time :3 nice ride btw
Last weekend I did a quick, flat 8 miles (13 km) on the slushy trails recovering from 2-week-old storm snow. It’s been hovering around freezing since, but we’d had a few days of above-freezing rain that washed the majority of it away. Which made for a messy, muddy ride. Very enjoyable
I did get to experience my first tire-slipping-on-ice UPD, though. It was difficult to see the difference between slush and ice, and I (bravely? stupidly?) decided to just plow through it all. A very nice UPD, actually - the tire slid out behind me, and I just planted my feet to stand up. No run-out necessary. This did nothing to teach me I shouldn’t ride on ice, so…
I’m feeling a bit deflated after looking forward to this ride for a number of days…
The post-ride picture:
Next time I’ll use a pump with a flexible hose, and before putting the inner tube in I’ll be filing off the edges of the rim valve hole.
Hmmm… The light of hope flickers dimly - This may be a dumb person’s question, but would it be at all sensible for me to try using my other tube (officially up to 2.25 inches tyre width iirc) with my 26x3 inch Duro? I suspect not…
And next time you could try a TPU tube; it‘s lighter.
I’m not commenting on the 2.25“ tube in a 3“ tire.
That sucks. I probably wouldn’t dare to stretch the tube that far. It is good practice to keep at least one spare tube for anything you ride regularly, be it one or two wheels.
I agree. If it is for an expendable part like an inner tube/tire keep a spare, or two. I rationalize it by knowing I’ll need it eventually and have it on hand. Having 3+ would be hoarding. A meal at home instead of eating out and you’ve covered the cost. Already cheaper than a gym membership.
I suggest also investing in a quality floor pump. A little crying over the cost at purchase is made up by the ability to air up fast and get to enjoy riding.
some winter-muni pics, and my new setup for not having my car to bring me to the start of my muni rides:
Is that a trike?
… it is a training wheel for when learning to manual the bike…