Pictures of your latest ride continued

Yes that’s right. I hope i can ride in the next days some Unicycle. The last ten days of the last year was Painfull but that’s the motivation to get stronger, in all respects.

Nice Pictures and the long version of the Ursli-bar it’s nice.

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That’s funny, I always know that’s you just by looking at one or two pictures.
It’s not that I recognize you in the pictures, it’s just the hard trails and rocky landscapes.


I suspect he’s one of a small percentage of riders who’s muni rides involve ladders!


I’m classing this as Jazzy’s first unicycle ride.

She really loves this cool UniRider. It’s totally genius- way better than those scooters with push bars or cars that you have to tow or bend to push.

It has a real pump up 12” wheel and very sturdy construction - the front handle bar even reminds me of the Ursli-Bar.

Best thing about it is she has to be engaged with the process of sitting on it and being pushed. So she gets the idea and feel of unicycling - and the general posture is very much like how you’d ride a unicycle with two hands on a T-bar.



cutedest pics!

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Nice ride after a lot of rain


So cool!

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Gorgeous shot.

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Now, we just need a snowy version of this scene :rofl:

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Yeah !! Really nice ride.

I visited the glorious Hungry Mother State Park today. I try to do the 6 mile lake loop about once a week. Pretty rad trail that has some single-track spots and, being southwest Virginia, some pretty crazy slope and terrain.

Being January in southeastern United States it is pretty dull looking right now, but it was a brisk and fun ride!


Hey, where is this place? And how lucky are you to live there! I’m surprised not more snow at that elevation this time of year :thinking:

Hi, this is in Switzerland and yes you are right, actually I should be skiing there… but over here this winter starts late (at least i hope it really starts…).

And also yes: I am very happy to live here in the alps :heart_eyes:


Still almost no snow in switzerland… nice hike and ride with Team Ursli member and freewheeler Urs Bless:


Amazing pictures from the Alps.
Hope I will get the chance to ride a Uni in a place like that someday :slight_smile:

Here I’m enjoying the mild winter even though it’s a bit wet and grey. It’s about getting outside as soon as its dry and there is still daylight.

(unfortunately I also discovered that the electric fence was still powered even though there are no animals in the enclosing during winter)


Your pictures are unreal. They almost look fake. I mean that as a compliment.


Nah we go the opposite way, the pictures are fake. They were made by big unicycle to sell more unicycled. Resist the fake news! The alps don’t exist, it was made by big mountain to sell more mountain! (Also this is sarcasm)


damn, you got me.

Klass_bill makes those cool unicycle calendars (which are great) but I have often thought i wouldn’t mind a calendar containing only turtle (team Ursli?) pictures honestly Seems like it would be pretty easy to find 12 great ones!
Even a poster image with like 3-4 sort of blended together into 1 collage image or something like that would be really cool. I don’t know enough about photo editing or else I think I would have attempted to make something like that myself to have hanging up in the garage.
Those pictures definitely make me want to visit Switzerland some day too. A lot of it looks a little crazy to ride on for me, but even hiking there would be awesome.