Pictures of your latest ride continued

A small child’s gold and silver star award discarded on the ground graciously gave me a flat tire, during which I practiced my math. A bit of grumbling + patch kit + time = patched tire.


Yesterday I had a beautiful ride with my 24" Muni, was amazing.


Went to a Work Medical Check-up in the CBD of Sydney and forgot to bring a chain to lock up the KH36 on the street. So tried a couple of safer options taking the uni up to the 6th floor of the Medical Facility. (taking off the pedals to increase clearance for people to pass)


Sydney International Regatta Centre

Cruising speeds (ave) on straights
23.5kph over 1.75km
23.7kph Over 1.56km
24.0kph over 370m
Straights - smooth…ish ashfelt road surface.
No traffic lights, only a couple of other bike riders…no cars!

I can’t pedal any faster! (110mm cranks)
Bring on the Schlumpf… soon…soon…


Great first ride on my G24. Likely this small but mighty unicycle will become my favourite.

It was a nice change to feel super confident riding this wheel. Always been a tad on edge with my G29er but today I found myself so at home with the 24” wheel and in high gear I found it remarkable agile and easy to motor over the terrain.

We took a more challenging route that normal and I think I re-remembered how great 24” as a wheel size is - and 1:1.5 seems to just expand / amplify this. Today, I also could really see how the brake helps so much, a pretty steep downhill was accomplished solely thanks to the brake.

Main takeaway is this ride is great for general muni, but actually also works well when in high gear, contrary to the belief that gearing is better in bigger wheels :gear:


Here are a few random pictures from the Oslo Enhjulssykkelrunde (Unicycle Tour of Oslo) 2023


Trying to make that Schlumpf as easy to ride as possible so switched the noisy gravel tire to a almost silent semi-slick Marathon Efficiency 55-622 (actually measures 58mm wide on this 33 inner width rim) and upped the psi to ~45
It definitely made for an easier ride in high gear. Such a nice and floaty feeling.

Still need to find the perfect pedals that gives decent grip with my regular shoes in dry weather. The Look Trail Grip are fine but I hope I can get something slightly more grippy. Sure metal pins and bike shoes are “better” but so far I prefer less grippy pedals as it makes upshifting easier.

And need to practice downshifting soon (I haven’t even attempted it yet) so I don’t have to dismount every time I need to do so which is kind of annoying.


Paid a visit to this famous nightriding road in Shanghai, where you constantly have bikes swooping by at 50+kph speed.


Second and last freewheel muni ride of my holidays:
Kind of an adventure with wild boars on the trails (quiet scary as the mother wanted to protect her kids), lizards on my uni and some amazing trails with stunning views!

8.7km in total, 510hm


Love my look trail lock pedals, grip and the ability to change up my footing.


First uni ride in ~5 years (?). Got a nice 29er second hand so i can run my very enthusiastic whippet puppy. Managed 12.75km on a beautiful winter morning (without the dog). Fun to be back on one…


My latest ride from Yesterday. It was a little bit hard with the 24" Muni to road 20 km and 400 hm but it was a great Tour.

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A ride with my new pedals (Look geocity pedals)

I’ll write a review later :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey @Felgenbremse,

Your pictures didn’t upload properly. It’s a known issue on Discourse, but I don’t know what causes this because normally, you can’t send a message when the pictures aren’t uploaded yet.

Di you remember if you did anything specific?


I thunk it wasn’t finished with the Upload, i was too busy i think.

Was it from your phone, and do you know what connection? 4g, 3g, other?

Yes it was from my phone, i think it was 4G.

Does it matter from which device the files are sent?

It shouldn’t, but I’m trying to pinpoint what seems to be a bug :slight_smile:

Before heading into the office today I noticed that it looked like rain but since the weather service claimed it would not happen I risked it and came in in a t-shirt. That was a bit mistake, so I had to take refuge in a cafe on the way.

While sitting there I started to read an lighthearted news article about “101 reasons to love Oslo”.

My favourite was this one, reason 10. I shall let you guess why!

For those that cannot read Norwegian (ok, that is likely most of you! :laughing:), here is a translation

  1. Look and don’t be seen at Korsvoll

Havnabakken (The harbor hill), on the border between Nordberg and Korsvoll, is technically a road, but there is also a park, one of Oslo’s steepest and least crowded, with an unbeatable view of the city and the fjord. Here you can see author Erlend Loe coming out of the woods daily and plunging down the hill on his unicycle, naive and super at the same time.

The hand drawn image of Erlend on a unicycle was animated in the original page.

EDIT: OK I extracted it

P.S. Here is where I found the article (it is partially paywalled)