Order your Harper HOTTIE T-shirts now!


Not only are you a flashy dresser, you are also a trend setter. I envy you. I haven’t received mine yet.

is it 2 late to order 1? and can u post to scotland?


I don’t have any good way of collecting payment. If you’re willing to mail me $25 US I can send you one. The reservation is effective when the $$ arrives. Sorry to be anal but I’ve already had some orders that never came through.

Harper, your shirts were mailed out same time as JJuggle’s, both Priority Mail. Hopefully yours have followed closely behind, as you live a lot closer!

BTW, Ryan Woessner’s winning Expert Freestyle routine today started with Right Said Fred and “I’m Too Sexy.” Harper shirt sales are bound to be improved!

How is the print quality looking? I really wish they were screen printed as I have had bad luck with heat transfers in the past.

The print quality is beautiful. They look absolutely like photos! As they are transfers, use maximum care and gentleness in washing. They will probably not look good after lots of washings. Recommend turning shirt inside out, hand washing is best, or machine wash on a lightweight setting (delicate). Hang dry rather than putting in dryer.

You should talk to the son of one of my friends. When (note - not “if”) he is rich he is going to open a shop that sells nothing but red wool. As he’ll be stinking rich he doesn’t care how much money it loses. In a way, you’ve got to admire his confidence in his ability to become that rich :slight_smile:


so u cannot take paypal. i really want a tshirt, but sending money in the post is something i dont like doing.


I have unicycled to work and worn mine at work two days in a row. I will never wash this shirt (actually, I bought two for myself, three for others so I have an OK supply). I hope thatJOHN FOSS, the guy you can order these from, is plagued with decades of reorders from we, the demanding fashion conscious.

Who is that man in the photo and why is he holding his crotch like MJ?

I must order one.

OK, I have to ask: Greg, what’s with the beard, no-beard, beard, no-beard situation? Does no-beard correlate with swimsuit season?

Beard: Bicycling in winter; good facial protection.
No beard: Summer; no need for extra thermal layer.

All seasons are swimsuit seasons for a guy with my figure.

Let us know if you can make it up to Seattle again for a MUni ride or Iron Horse Trail ride.

I have had my Harper in a swimsuit T-shirt hanging
in my shop since getting it.

Surprisingly, no one has asked for one. I sold 3 Betty shirts today and they are hanging right beside Harpers.

Wonder why ? :slight_smile:


Gee, I wish I was there right now. I’m in New Hampster doing a field project until the middle of August. It might be awhile before I can get out there again. The CA weekend is a possibilty.

Greg is actually trying to spare your feelings for not including you in the annual “Greg Harper’s Beard Tour of America”. The Tribble-like hair-piece is currently making its way around in a box specially designed by Steve Howard that includes instructions on the inside lid for the proper care and feeding of The Beard.

(BTW, Steve: I had a bad experience with The Beard -as you failed to mention its lascivious nature- and have amended your instructions with some notes of my own- lest any one else make the mistake of using It as a Plush Saddle Cover.)



Good to see you’re out of the Betty Ford Clinic and back on RSU. Excellent signature line, by the way. I’ve taken to using my own, too.

Where is the Harper Hottie shirt actually “hanging”? Are they behind the Betty shirts?
How are the Betty shirts priced?

The answers to these questions may help you find a solution to your problem. Why would you want to sell the thing to begin with?



The shirts are beside each other.

My Harper shirt is not for sale. I hung it there
when it arrive and I haven’t moved it since.
I don’t want to fold it up and put it in a drawer.

Betty shirts are 15.00 US



I was there with a friend of mine after dinner. We saw the boa and the fencers. It was a slack rope set-up, not a tightrope but it was there, too. I didn’t see the dancer. I liked the “old man” comment the best.

I have yet to see a photo posted of Jacquie wearing her T-shirt. They were her idea in the first place (and perhaps one of her finest) and she’s the one who picked the color. Quit holding out, John, get out the camera.

I spoke with Amy Drummond on the phone recently and she was wearing hers at the time (or so she said). Maybe it was the day before that she was wearing it. Maybe she said she refused to wear it, I can’t remember.