Cube is one of the worst movies I have ever seen!!
sorry but it really is
I think Dodgeball is the greatest movie ever!!!
Uncorked at Satchem Farm. though i doubt any of you have ever heard of it. its my fav. well i have others but right now i must go pick up a pizza yum
good pizza, anywho, other favorites
The Wonders
Princess Bride (saw mandy patican on my birthday a couple years ago, but he seemed to enjoy my moms presence more than mine)
George Lucas in Love
What didn’t you like about it???
The Fog of War (Who thought a movie of just a guy talking to a camera would be so disturbing?)
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino in general)
RHPS, of course
Fear and Loathing…
American History X was good, as was the other one about the self-hating jew (forgot the name)
I can’t think of any others right now…
How did platoon get in there? That movie was just glorified violence.
I know I have more, but I can’t think of them right now. I must reccomend against seeing Alexander, though. I saw it out of morbid curiosity, and byt eh end of the 3 hours, I wanted Oliver Stone’s head on a stake in front of every movie theater in the country. The accents sucked. Where did a guy with a deep scottish accent find his way into Alexander’s army?! That’s just the beginning. Not even the battle scenes were good.
Thats a good movie! How did it make the bad list?
Interesting lists. Here’s some perspective on two of my favorites:
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off - Rented that the night I met my wife.
Princess Bride - First movie we saw together in a theater.
I loved Alien the first time I saw it, not quite the same impact last year with the re-release. I guess I knew what to expect.
Blues Brothers
To Sir With Love
For a current movie, go see Ray. I’ll probably watch it again on DVD but won’t buy it. Great movie.
so weve got eternal sunshine and being john malcovich but no adaptation. was i the only person who loved that film?
james, the postman is a lot like life is beautiful, now that i think about it. even though the plots are completely different, you walk out with the same feeling.
AoD is awesome, but darkman takes the cake. JUUUUUUUUUULLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!! and of course bruce’s cameo.
i also highly suggest cabin fever. no other movie is so painfully awful. it really is mind-numbing how it gets worse and worse once you think that it cant.
Ok if we can add Lost in Translation. I never saw Adaptation.
A terrific movie, Steve. Used to be one of my daughter’s favorites.
in no particular order:
Groundhog day
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
Universe 2 (keh heh)
Full Metal Jacket
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (weird, but classic stuff anyway)
The Ring (have to admit!)
You might want to spell that one out for the youngsters…
Along with that recommendation I would add that it needs to be seen in the proper environment. If you rent and watch it at home, you won’t really get it.
You have to suspend your disbelief at some point. After all, the movie is in English, is it not? But I do not mean to stick up for the movie. The critics have been pretty unanimous on it.
Somebody said The Fifth Element was bad. I would put it on a list of my favorites. It’s not Academy Award-winning art, but it was a really, really fun ride. The movie is so filled with detail you have to watch it several times just to see everything. There was something very believeable about their depiction of New York City 200 years from now.
Otherwise I’m not big on favorites. I know what I like, and it pretty much does not agree with what “the academy” likes. I guess that’s something we all have in common…
Again, it’s not a list of terminally bad movies (like Gigli or Spice World) it’s just a list of movies that for various reasons don’t seem like “must see” movies (as per the thread’s title), but I still felt were worth mentioning.
Treasure of Sierra Madre. A long-forgoten Bogy classic.
boondock saints
the italian job
the bourne identity
the score
life is beautiful
shawshank redemption
monty python and the holy grail (rented it last weekend)
I forgot, John Q! That was a great movie.
I did suspend my disbelief for Alexander. It still sucked.
Thanks guys, this is a fantastic list to take with me next time I go to hire a movie.
Anyone seen “The Producers”? I just watched it then and thought it was fantastic. Now all of a sudden I have the urge to go and see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory again. Isn’t Gene Wilder a great actor!
By the way this is the first I’ve heard of this remake -
“hire a movie”
is that an australian thing? in america people say “rent a movie.”