Napolian Dynomite (comes out on video on dec 23rd, best movie ever!)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail(oh so good, best movie ever!)
Space Balls(very good also)
Dumb and Dumber(awesome)
Those are the ones I really like that I can think of off hand and I recommend if you havent seen them. I think most people saw the 3 latter. Oh and Donnie Darko
amelie is good, but i much prefer city of lost children and delicatassen. who knows where alien 4 came from?! i guess all good directors are allowed one crap film (not that alien 4 was that bad, with all considerations).
i have always been a big fan of kurosawa.
im sure most of you have seen darren aronofsky’s films but if not, go see pi and requiem immediately.
american history x is a good one as well.
terry gilliam always does a good job.
and lets not forget kubrick (although he has at least one weak film: lo…lee…ta).
i highly suggest il postino (the postman) for people of all ages. the box says its a romantic comedy but dont be fooled, its actually one of the most depressing films i have ever seen.
I recently saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and was completely blown away by it. An absolutely beautiful movie. I can not recommend it highly enough.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Taxi Driver
Edward Scissor Hands
Lord of the Rings
Blazing Saddles
Ghost Dog
Natural Born Killers
Resevoir Dogs
Oh, it’s a bad movie - it’s just one of those “bad in a good way” types of movies. It’s also my second favorite movie - I own three versions of AoD and a couple copies of the two prequels.
i’m not completely done it, i’ll finish it off tonight. I think its fine, but there are some parts i don’t care for…the long drawn scenes, but there is enough humour and suspense to keep you interested.