MUni Weekend 16: Auburn, CA

Did you think there woudn’t be a MUni Weekend on the West coast this year? You thought wrong. Too many of us didn’t make it to NAUCC, and we haven’t had a lot of organized rides since U Games. So it’s time for the “original MUni Weekend” to return to its source!

The current plan is to do the rides we did at the very first MUni Weekend in 1997: Auburn (Clementine Loop +), and the Salmon Falls trail. Plus we may venture onto the brand new South Fork American River trail as well. A bonus ride on Friday will be Stevens Trail in Colfax, famous for its cliffside retrievals.

How does October 7-9 fit for you? Those are almost the same dates as the original MUni Weekend also. If that weekend is a problem, please let me know.

A little more about the rides:

Saturday: Clementine Loop, Auburn. This was where it all began; the first ride of the first-ever all-offroad unicycle convention. The unicycle version of the loop is about 7 miles, with about 1000’ of climb, and a really fun, technical downhill. We will add some optional out-and-back on the Foresthill Divide Connector Trail at the top, for people who want more.

Sunday: Salmon Falls (aka Darrington Trail), and maybe some out-and-back on the new South Fork American River Trail. Salmon Falls will also be an out-and-back. The one-way ride we did in '97 involved an extra 20 miles for shuttle drivers, so we’ll try to do without that. If the lake level gets low enough to expose the old Salmon Falls Bridge, it becomes a loop ride. But this is highly unlikely because the lake is currently as full as it’s been in many years.

Optional Friday ride (dangerous cliffs!): Stevens Trail, Colfax. This trail is not recommended for anyone with a fear of heights, and extra caution must be used because it gets very narrow with very steep drop-offs toward the river below. Riders should NOT attempt to ride every inch of this trail! Many expert riders have had to retrieve unicycles that have fallen 100-250’ down the canyon on rides over the years. This ride is also an out-and-back, on a trail that was originally a toll road from the town down to the river, where the early miners were working. The trail drops 1200’ to the river in about 4 miles, then you turn around. But first you can go for a swim, in an excellent swimmin’ hole, complete with a nice spot to jump in from the rocks.

There will be a nominal registration fee, at least one competition event (Confluence Uphill Race), and (almost) free accommodations at my house. After the rides, you can jump in the pool! Hit the shower first. :slight_smile:

I’m working on insurance coverage through the USA Inc., and will be putting up the 2011 web site shortly. Discuss in this thread!

Like the “classic” rides of this coming MUni Weekend, the initial description links for each ride are also classics; written in the late 1990s by MUni pioneer Brett “Bloodman” Bymaster. I may do some updates to those as well, if time allows. Bring your unicycles, bring your Tecnu and sunscreen, and be ready for another great weekend of MUni!

Sounds fantastic! Looking forward to it.
October 7-9 are good dates, particularly for Canadians as the Monday is a holiday in Canada.


As far as I know, I’m there!

Correction: the first MUni Weekend was in 1996. Also, the “we” I was referring to in not having had many organized rides since U Games, was the Northern CA unicycling community.

That sounds great!!! I’ll try to get that weekend off of work (should be no problem) and then I’ll only need a MUni and I’ll be there!

You know il be there :slight_smile:

well, if cody is in, then count me in too!



I will be there - it will be my 14th Cal Muni Weekend - WOW that’s a lot of Cal Muni weekends!



Well Im gonna have a roadtrip up there of course. But I would love to have a trials comp at Rock Wells (Stoddard Wells in Southern California) right before. Any interest?

Ohh man I wish the Forums has a “like” option!

Dates are confirmed!

Yes, we are locked in on October 7-9, 2011. I’m working on the registration form, and it should be possible to pay with PayPal. Everyone will have to join the Unicycling Society of America if they aren’t already members, for liability coverage.

For Cody, if you get an event going for Rock Wells, please create a separate thread for it so nobody gets confused. BTW, we can also do some Trials stuff at MUni Weekend. Not as formal as last time perhaps, but I have a couple of ideas:

  • On the Saturday at the American River Confluence, it might be fun to put together some sort of river rock riding event; perhaps like a Natural Speed Trials thing. We will pay homage to how George Peck worked his way through those rocks for minutes at a time without dismount, and with nary a hop!
  • On Saturday afternoon after the trail ride, we could optionally go to the rocks at Beals Point (made famous in Jess Riegel videos of him and Zack Baldwin). In 2003 we did a sand race there, and Ryan Atkins spelled "UNI" on a rock with his own blood. :)
  • There's a skate park in Folsom, with a BMX area and a really nice-looking concrete area with bowls, rails, etc. I have to find out if they'll let us in, and a fee will be involved, but that's another possibility for Sunday afternoon.
What do you think?

Time to register!

There’s now a homepage for the event, and a few others. I’ll be filling in the rest in the coming days. Book your accommodations (ultra-budget floor sleeping) via email, first come, first served!

Caption error on the old photo? Since I’m not in it I think that was the first year, but it was 1996, not 1997.

Thanks Nathan, yes, these pages have been re-purposed year after year…

BTW I got my first formal request for floor space: Kris Holm! :slight_smile:

Cool! Did you get my e-mail?

I’m in

The Stevens Trail is beyond me, but I can do the Saturday and Sunday rides. Is a 29" asking for trouble on the Clementine Loop?

I’m going to have to train for this. 20 miles is the upper end of my range.

You know you want to come – get a group of Minnesotans to do the big road trip! :slight_smile:

Yup. You are #3 for the floor. Kris actually became #2 because Claude Magnuson from Maryland contacted me first, but had to confirm his ability to come. That means we’re off to a good start, with Maryland, Canada and a rider from Germany!

Stevens Trail is probably the most strenuous of the three rides, plus pretty sketchy for a 29er anyway (though “totally doable,” as Tom Holub would say). I’m thinking of taking a different approach on the Clementine ride, where a 29" will be better. there may be some sections it won’t like, but the other 99% will be a blast. There are also steep drop-offs on that ride, but not nearly as much!

Training is a good thing; a great way to increase the fun and enjoyment factor in a weekend of concentrated riding. I need to train too…

The Clementine Loop is still doable on a 24" though, correct?

Definitely doable on a 24", but I’d say definitely more fun on a 29er. Of course, almost anything that’s rideable on a 29er is more fun on a 29er.