Kh 08

No your Not.

Deleting Post’s are Fun, eh?

o I cant wait for the new Kh08 kinda disapointed as I only bought my 07 about a month ago. Maybe I should have waited?

It likely won’t change much.

Arguably the best improvement is the rumored reinforced seatpost.

is he going to fix the flange problems??

I get mine in about 2 more days, or it might stopp durring the weekend and I get it monday.

what, the KH 07?

He meant that you put inches… Not feet… Misunderstanding.

Good thing I am the mediator on these forums. :roll_eyes:

The new KH will have smaller holes in the rim, the seat post will be stronger, the spokes are in a different way (cant explain it in english) and the frame is stronger on the crown and you can buy it in trials, longneck or double crown.


They look realy great i was hopinng they would make a long neck frame
ive wanted a new frame for a while and cant wait till they come on the market.

It looks like the pedals are upgraded to TrailMixes.

When do u think the new uni will come out? And how much do you think it will cost, propably more than 400 euros that the 2007 model costs…

What does it mean double crown?

so theres a new frame? or new crown at least? and you have the option or is it on the original?

You have the option between the standart trials frame, the longneck frame and the double crowned frame.

Hmmm, two crowns??? So does that mean it’s an entirely different frame design from the other two? What would be so good about two crowns anyways? Well, I’ll see it when it’s out, but it makes me wonder what it could look like.

It will look like this uni, but with 2 crown I think…

A looot of space to put your foot on…

this is a joke, right?! :thinking: :astonished: I don’t think this would be serious, but then again i’m seriously in the dark as far as flat goes, so…

It isn’t a joke… Spencer used this uni in Wuko I think… it’s on the frensh magazine of FFM (Not switch).

The idea of the double crown is to open up the possibility of new tricks that are not possible on any current frame design. You can put your foot on the front of the uni frame now, and have loads of control in other positions. No one has invented any tricks yet, obviously because the frame isn’t for sale yet, but it will be up to us to get creative with this new design. Dan Heaton said that it would be good for tricks.

Will it introduce more possibilities? Yes.
Will it get in the way? Maybe, but then again you don’t have to get this frame.

Here’s a crappy website that shows an idea I had that is much easier on this frame:

And here’s a picture of another trick, sideways wheel walk with seat on side.