How to Shave your Trials Tire?

the only advantage it has is a smoother ride…some people like it others dont…i ride a partially shave maxxis cc…its kinda wavy almost…i like it…

Decided to shave a bit of rubber off my 2.7 monty for weight and smoothness. Didn’t want to go completely bald (yet).
Definitely the fastest way to shave a tire!
Rolls much nicer on pavement, still has plenty of grip. More like a BMX tire.

I just ran around the outer tread with the bench grinder, shaving a pile of rubber off each knob.

No photos of the before, but heres some photos of the aftermath.
Took maybe 10 mins to get it like this, maybe 10 more to make it completely smooth using the grinder. Balding a tire using other methods usually takes upwards of an hour!!!

…and photos of the tire itself

It’s also noticeable to most people, that the trials tires tend not to wear on the outer edges, so essentially all I have done is even out the wear across the tire. But I prefer a worn tire anyways, even if only slightly smoother.

I have shaved it a bit more since posting that, but I left the tread in the middle as that will go on its own. The side tread is now shorter again.
Bench grinder is awesome for this job!

muzzle what kind of tire is that in the pic?


Edit: if I read correctly its a Monty Eagle Claw?

Monty 2.7, I think the Eagle Claw is a 2.6.
As far as I can tell, Monty no longer stocks (sells) the 2.7, although I could be wrong.

Can you buy any other 19" tyres that aren’t all nobbly and trials designed? I would have thought that a unicycle company might have designed a street specific tyre that follows along the lines of some of the current BMX tyres. I really like the Primo Wall tyres for my BMX, so something similar would be nice in a 19" x 2.5".

Something like this:

Correct me if I"m wrong, but 19" wheels are designed to fit the same crown height as a 20." So if you want a smooth tire, why not get a uni with a strong 20" rim and save yourself the trouble of shaving? Hookworms come in 2.5… that’s not really much for volume loss.

The 20" hookworms only go up to 2.125. Also 19" wheels tend to fit a bit taller than 20" tires.

Plus 19" tires are designed to be run at a low pressure, whereas 20" tires are not and tend to fold and stuff at lower pressures.

Some people have done this, but it obviously requires buying a new rim and spokes and rebuilding the wheel. There was a thread in which we tossed around ideas for the new KH uni (before the 09 model came out) with Kris, and he mentioned that he was interested in looking into making his own 19" bmx tread tyre for street riding. I’m not sure whether this idea is still in the pipeline or not going to happen, but it sounded pretty cool.

I don’t know where you are getting this info from because I just dug through 15 pages of search results, found the thread you were talking about and two others that were similar and in none of them was there mention of Kris designing a new tire.


I think if you plan on riding a 20" ‘bmx’ uni for street, you should plan to get used to a harder tire pressure and kind of ditch the forgiving squishyness of a trials tire. There are some pretty wide 20" tires out there, but if you are wanting a tire around a 2.5’ size, I think it will be easier and better to just run a trials tire with a bit higher pressure than normal.

Shaving takes patience. taking the nubs off is a lot easier when using a wet or lubed blade. Those electric turkey knifes cut through the nubs like… turkey…

Or just ride it tell its bald. =p

It was in this thread KH 2007 Products- details & info are here

I can’t be bothered wading through it all.

I can.

38 pages, read every single post typed by Kris, and not a single word of a smooth 19" tire,

Plus, Hookworms aren’t exactly the lightest tyres out.

I beleive I have seen Khris mention it somwhere, but I’m not positive,

I remember Kris talking about it too. I don’t think it was in that thread though.

I remember it being pretty off topic.

In the Trials tire thread.

Yeah I made the suggestion based on starting with a 20, not suggesting it would be practical to rebuild a 19.

Oh… Well I’m sorry for wasting your time. Seriously. I was sure it was in that thread, but I guess it all happened at around about the same time.

Wasnt a waste of time at all. No worries. :slight_smile: