The Official 19" Trials Tyre Thread

Except for riders who also use their uni for trail riding, almost all trials is done on concrete, steel, wood, or rock. Almost none is done on dirt. Except for changing the tire profile, the main purpose of a tread pattern is to dig into a soft surface (ie. dirt). If the surface isn’t yielding, grip can be higher with a smooth tire without knobby tread. For the same reason, rock climbing shoes have no tread on the bottom- much better for grip on rock than with a tread pattern.

For that reason I’m curious why some people think the TryAll tread is ideal for trials- it’s basically a wide-spaced tread pattern for mud and we almost never ride trials or street in mud. The edge profile of the CC or Eagle Claw is more evenly spaced, which (IMO) make them more predictible for popping off round railings. The discontinued 2.7" Monty tire is probably the best for riding railings though, just because it had the biggest diameter. I know that Ryan Atkins prefers the CC to the TryAll for riding round railings, and the discontinued 2.7 Monty to both of those.

So… since we mostly ride trials/street on non-yielding surfaces (ie not dirt), what do you think about having a trials/street tire with a street bmx tread on it and a tire casing size about the same as the discontinued Monty 2.7 (slightly bigger volume than the Eagle Claw or CC)? Also, do you think that a “typical” bmx rubber hardness (e.g. a little harder than the CC) would be good? These are just questions right now but it would be a fun project to pursue.
