How much have YOU spent?

I wouldn’t know where to begin making a list of unicycling purchases. Many thousands. If you consider all the travel expenses and especially the vacation taken from work over the years to go on unicycle trips, it’s many many 10s of thousands of $. Worth every penny though.


I believe at least one of those was done with a sponsor, who paid some or all of the expenses, including travel to Japan. This probably also included a fee for riding the 72 footer.

However, based on the information on the current web site, it looks like the cycle is built but a sponsor is not mentioned. If they’re funding it all on their own, I’m sure he’s got most of us beat on that one cycle alone.

Plus Sem has quite a collection of other unusual and unique cycles. He even has a motorized monocycle that cost approximately $8900. I’m not going to compete with that… :slight_smile:


My first unicycle was a Schwinn Giraffe, at $109.00 in 1980. It was followed by a 24" Schwinn for about $50. I don’t remember after that. Lots of parts, lots of whole unicycles, and even custom plating of parts.

I’m not going to go into the world travel and time off from work that have resulted from my involvement in unicycling. Or my income as a performer over the years. Most of my performing work included unicycling, but was not defined by it.

All I know is I’m way ahead in the end, considering all factors.

That’s with or without adjusting the dollars for inflation over the years. :slight_smile:

Re: How much have YOU spent?

johnfoss wrote…
>john_childs wrote:
>> *I think Sem Abrahams wins the who has spent the most award. *
>I believe at least one of those was done with a sponsor, who paid some
>or all of the expenses, including travel to Japan. This probably also
>included a fee for riding the 72 footer.

Yes, I remember the details as I helped arrange the event and attended.
It was sponsored by Fuji TV, who also paid the Abrahams the expenses
to transport the uni to Japan and possibly some expenses for constructing it.

>However, based on the information on the current web site, it looks like
>the cycle is built but a sponsor is not mentioned. If they’re funding it
>all on their own, I’m sure he’s got most of us beat on that one cycle
>Plus Sem has quite a collection of other unusual and unique cycles. He
>even has a motorized monocycle that cost approximately $8900. I’m not
>going to compete with that… :slight_smile:
>johnfoss - IUF Director
>John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
>“jfoss” at “
>“I went to the Liberace Museum and the Elvis-A-Rama Museum on the same
>day! This is not for everyone.”
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Regards, Jack Halpern
President, The CJK Dictionary Institute, Inc. Phone: +81-48-473-3508

took me a while to get it but that’s an L over clver quote :wink:

I’m just getting started

:stuck_out_tongue: My wife does NOT know this, but I am just BARELY getting started with 13 unicycles at present, and about $1800 spent so far. Up to this point they’ve all been cheapo’s. But my appetite has been whetted and I want more, MORE, MORE!!! If I can just convince her that the proceeds from the sale of MY Ducati 916 should go SOLELY to my recreational persuits, peace will be preserved in my home. Pray for me. Wish me luck and stuff.

Why on earth are you selling a 916??

Re: Myself:

I bought myBrand-spanking new, off the showroom floor 24" Schwinn in 1975, but mine cost $64. How’d John get his for $50?
Feeling short changed in Tennesee, --chirokid–
PS: My Schwinn Giraffe cost $114.00 a couple of years later.

Re: Re: Myself:

I bought my 24" Schwinn, “brand spanking new” off the showroom floor around 1969 or '70 for only $40.00. (That was the MSRP).

  • Frank

Re: Re: Myself:

Easy. Mine was probably older than yours when I bought it… :slight_smile:

Looks like we both paid under retail for our Giraffes. In 1980 the retail price was either $119 or $129.

Actually I can’t remember the sequence of my early unicycle purchases/acquisitions. It went something like this:

1976 - Troxel loaned to me (my neighbor never wanted it back)
Oct. 1979 - Learned on Bradley’s Schwinn Giraffe
Nov. 1979 - Bradley and I borrowed 20" Schwinn from a friend, who later sold it to us. I still have it but it was not always in my posession. Many have learned to ride on that one.
Feb. 1980 - Bought my own giraffe
1980 - Bought used Concord for about $50 (as seen here: Never did much with that one.
1980? - At some point I got my own Schwinn 24" but I can’t remember where it fits the timeline. I must have gotten it before the Concord. Both were bought used, at the bike shop.
Late 1980 or early 1981 - Bought the first Miyata to be sold in a bike shop in Michigan.

Many more followed.

I made myself a giraffe out of the remains of a scrapper MTB and a bit of scaffold pipe this evening, that has cost a grand total of £0 (apart from a dozen welding rods and bit of a grinding disc)

it’s stood up to a half mile ride ok, but needs some cosmetic work. I left the brake bosses on in case I get the urge to gmuni…

Re: How much have YOU spent?

Very Cool.

By the way, I just bought a Coker. I find it easy to ride but I haven’t
tried freemounting yet.

“joemc” <> wrote in message
> I made myself a giraffe out of the remains of a scrapper MTB and a bit
> of scaffold pipe this evening, that has cost a grand total of £0 (apart
> from a dozen welding rods and bit of a grinding disc)
> it’s stood up to a half mile ride ok, but needs some cosmetic work. I
> left the brake bosses on in case I get the urge to gmuni…
> –
> joemc - borderline sociopath
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> joemc’s Profile:
> View this thread:

about 830 dollars counting unicycles, repairs and parts and such

55$ + shipping for a Torker unicycle off Ebay. Besides that, about sixty for repairs, new cranks, and new tires.

£2000< excluding wheelbuilds, pads, tools and spare tyres etc etc… dear dear.

Got a bike to put my hard earned money into now tho!

Without the support of my parents, i would have spent a lot more than i have. ( ) indicate what parents have paid.

Yuni MUni as birthday present - (330)

MSHBKS Pedals bought from bike shop- 30

after bending many a crank and bike shop getting annoyed about giving me free cranks, bought a set of black widows - 90

after bending black widows (!) split cost of profile wheelset (and new frame to fit gazz with parents - 307(307)

after cracking stock front lift handle, bending seatpost, and shredding stock seat cover, split cost of cf miyata airseat w/ leather cover with parents 95(95)

after realizing my seatpost was bent, bought rail adapter and primo rod seatpost - 90

grand total - 1394
my total - 612
current “value” of MUn i- 1024

risking health on steep rocky hills - priceless
(i had to)

EDIT: oh and about 120 bucks for saftey gear (helmet cloves shinguard)

In a little over 8 months of being involved in unicycling, We’ve spent for the following…

$100.00 Torker 20" Unistar (Christmas present from my wife)
$5.00 Alloy dust caps for above
$190.00 Nimbus MUNI 24"
$40.00 661 shin / knee pads (Birthday present from wife and sons)
$135.00 Torker 24" LX W / KH seat, GB seat post, Alloy dust caps.
$8.00 Duffel bag to store helmet, pads, wrist guards, tools etc

$478.00 plus shipping

I very much agree with bugman on this.

Photography $$$$ After the initial expense of the equipment, there is the film (I still use film) and processing fees.
Hang gliding $3000.00 just for the glider. Another $1500.00 for the needed accessories. Then there was the 150 mile drive to the flying site, money spent on lessons when I started, camping fees, flying fees, food etc.

Unicycling cost me less than $500.00. I’m within walking distance of the street riding site and 2 miles from the Muni site.

Lemme see.

SemXL 24"
Coker Refurb
Summit trials.
Savage Giraffe
(Most of these i got used and got really good deals on)

+safety equipment, clothing and replacement tires,cranks, seats,seatposts,petals, etc…

Puts me 3K+ and well worth it.

my uni $171
Jim C. pedals( odyssey) $57
M-Grind plate for pedal $0 (good friend)
valve cap $3
=$231 canadian

new to come… new seat clamp…the one i have is quick release and i need a new one that doesnt catch on pants or shorts

This is very rough and in $NZ, which has varied from between US$0.38 to $0.72 during the time I’ve been riding.

20" mass produced unicycle- $200
Pashley 26"MUni-$800 I think
New Wheel for the Pashley-$100
24"KH24- $1500 or thereabouts
YUni 29er- about $600-700
Carbon seatbases (x3)- $300
Wilder bracket, airseat- Over $100
New spokes for the Coker $190
UDC hub $75
2 pairs Snafus $220
Some cheap alloy pedals $45
661’s, gloves etc- about $250-300
Giro helmet x2 $400
Stans no-tubes kit $100
OTG, Universe, Universe 2- $120-150
MUNi shoes x2 $400
Multiple cranks- about $150
Night lights for 12/24hr racing $600

Never used:
Primo seatpost- can’t remember
Odyssey A brake + brake adaptor- can’t remember
Antive ankles, harbinger wrist guards-can’t remember
Delta v-brake extender- can’t remember

Race entry fees+ travel to races- over $1000
Travel to Unicon + Unicon expenses $3000
Travel to Kathmandu, Nepal, Iceland $6000 *(Unicycling wasn’t my only reason for going, so not quite $6000)
Travel to Cambodia/Vietnam Unitour- lot’s

That’s all I can remember off the top of my head.
