Freewheel Unicycling Megathread

Here are some pictures of my freewheel hub.

I made the hub housing a bit different to the drawing.
It was easyer to build two parts welded together with a short piece of pipe between them. Building it out of 7075 aluminium would be less weight.
The axle is built as a pipe. I cut off the isis ends of a bottom bracket and grinded them on a lathe. So i could stick them into the axle and braze it together with cusi3.
Inside the hub there are two csk25pp 2rs one-way bearings. So if they are turned arround the disc brake is on the right side. Outside there are normal 22x42x12 isis bearings.
To hold the disc there is a big washer screwed to the hub.
I think everyone who is able to use a lathe and a simple milling machine is able to diy.