I have never had a slurpee. Slushies yes, but I doubt they are the same.
I have never had a slurpee. Slushies yes, but I doubt they are the same.
actually, I’m with darchibald…I’ve had plenty of slushies, but are they really the same as slurpees?
Not at all. The consistency is a little closer to snow cone. And the flavor is much better.
Join the Slurp!
I got 2, bought 7 bottles of bawls, and tim, jim, me, and my girlfriend almost got in a car accident.*
*- said incident was not contributed to by the consumption of slurpees or bawls.
Hahah I think I’m the only one who got this fully.
I don’t know, there are an awful lot of geeks in the online unicycling community…
That was definitely a good one though.
OK, I’ll admit it that I don’t get it. Anyone care to explain…?
OK, I think I’m just more confused now…
Google for ‘borg’ and ‘7 of 9’. Then try not to faint with sexual excitement .
check your pm’s!!!
excuse me other posters, for thread jacking,
It’s 7-11 again! Does this happen every year?
Time to find a “participating” store. We struck out on a few stores last year but ended up with at least two free 7.11 oz slurpees.
Hey, we don’t have a 7 11 around here…
I have one like a block away. How do you know if they are participating?
Road trip until you find one.
Ugh, ours here didn’t participate.
gah. I wish I had known about this earlier…!
Ha…I got 5 free Slupees today…It was sweet. MMMMM so much Slurpage, lots of annoying Brainfreeze thoughOwch
I love slurpees. I want to be a flavor enineer for 7-11 and make new flavors, what a sweet job that would be.
And of course, I am getting my free slurpees!
anyway, you could just make your own slurpies…it’s not that difficult, and they taste better, because you can do whatever you want with them!