FREE SLURPEE DAY!!! It's 7/11!!!



If only I had a 7/11…





The closest 7 11 is an hour away…:frowning:

un ditto, i live next to one! HOLLER

this day is a day of mourning for me, for we do not live near a 711…:frowning:

I drive by 3 711’s on the way to and from work… I’ve had 7 free slurpees all day.

My friend Alex and I have been making a documentary on slurpees, and today we did a lot of filmming.

We camped outside a 7 eleven last night and were the first ones to get free slurpees this morning right after 12:00. The annoying thing was that the 7/11 dude didn’t realize that July 11th starts at 12:00 am. When we went into store and asked where the free slurpee cups were he said we have to wait until the 11th. We explained nicely over and over how it WAS the 11th. He kind of mumbled and was saying we need to come back tomorrow more mumble bumble. Eventually we just hung around right in front of the slurpee machine and talked about how annoying this all was for about 10 minutes. Then all of the sudden the 7/11 guy emerged from the back and had the free slurpee cups and mumbled about how we can get a free one. YAHOO!

The coolest thing that happened occured right after that. A policeman was buying an energy drink and we started talking to him about slurpees and our documentary. Finally he agreed to let us interview him. Right before I started taping he got a call from dispatch and needed to leave. But he kindly stayed for another 30 seconds so I could get him saying something on camera. He was definitely a nice cop.

Anyway, happy Slurpee Day.



p.s. Info about this documentary will be on probably in August or September.

Thanks to this thread the kids and I went 7-11 this evening.

The first one refused us because he didn’t have the “cups”. There was a group of high scool girls that came in right behind us, they left too.

I had to refill my propane tanks for the trailer and grill so we stopped at at gas station for a bit and then started driving around looking for another 7-11. We finally rememembered where another was and drove there. The same high school girls were already there, we all got a good laugh out of that.

Then on the way home we passed another 7-11, that we had compeletely forgotten about earlier, and got our second slurpee.

We decided on the next free slurpee day we’re going to come back to the same store multiple times, but wearing different cloths and hats each time, and see how many times we can fill up before we’re refused.

I just went and got my 11th and 12th Slurpees. I’ve several combinations and have enjoyed every one.

Cureently I’m finishing off my 12th, Mtn Dew and Mango. It’s really good.

thank you for this thread.

i was able to avoid the artifitialy flavored tooth rott festival all-together.

EDIT: we all know its artificialy flavored and artificialy colored, now ask yourself what you are eating?

Heaven’s sewage.

acually no, its a chemical formula designed to stimulate the tastebuds and relay adictive memory componates to the brain.

your happy posts are the exact response the formula was created for. you will all be back!

Slurpees are damn good, I could care less that Brain Freezes are just a side-effect of the brainwashing formula that jams the logic receptors in your brain, causing you to want more.

Must have SLURPEE!!!

you have been asimalated

Join the Slurp, become one with the best of both worlds.

i…will…not …become…7-11…of…9

That’s not convenient at all.

When you do, remember to park your unicycles around the back.

12 Slurpees? That’s gross. I remember when I could do stuff like that.

Aside from artificial flavoring, coloring, some stabilizer (to keep it from freezing solid) and the addictive drugs, you’re “eating” water! Oh, and a load of sweetner.

I used to work at an ice cream store, where we specialized in gourmet sorbet (say that three times fast). The main ingredients, regardless of flavor, are water, stabilizer, and various forms of sugar (corn syrup solids, dextrose, etc.). BTW, our sorbet was “all natural.” The fruit flavorings were made from real fruit, and the stabilizer was made from real guar gum, or something similar!