First unicycle riding movie!

learn to spell…

"Shaun, that was a pretty crap video. I think you would’ve been better off if you had a broken ankle.

The best thing in that video was my name at the end, and you’re lucky I let my name be associated with something this lame."

and can you please stop being fag we are sick of you saying shit about shaun

opps my mistake…

“and can you please stop being a fag we are sick of you saying shit about shaun”

HA! Learn to spell? Boy, I just did a search (in this thread) of your posts, and you tell me to learn to spell?

Learn to capitalize, learn to punctuate (I’m sure they teach you what commas are at school) and learn the difference between “your”, a possessive pronoun, and “you’re”, a shortened form of “you are”.

So until you start using capitals, commas, full stops the correct words, I think I’ll keep up my spelling.

What do you have against gays anyway? Haven’t you learnt anything from all the threads on that?

I’m just trying to push him to be better than he is, I know he’s serious about the sport so it’s not like he’s gonna quit, and if he doesn’t care about “some punk kid” then why should anybody else?


Are you serious the you would go to the much trouble over a post.
You’re a loser, dont come on these forums, you’ve got like seven post, probably all teasing S.J. You’re just jealous that he’s like infinety times better than you.
Nice video, Shaun, if i haven’t already said so.
too bad this little jerk wont leave you alone.
Edit: make that four (so far).

Who is this kid, all he has said is junk about shaun, that was an awesome video, i dont get what you have agianst shaun.

Thanks for sticking up for me people. Let’s just ignore and let Steve07 say what he would like and do what he would like. As far as I know Steve07 to me is a nobody, and therefore no one I should consider. The only people that push me are people up there in street with me, I should stop there and not say people, but say person. Fortunently i’m hanging out with him now, so this is working out well for me.

-Shaun Johanneson

p.s. Kelly Hickman, for anyone questioning it.

yea shaun dont worry about the people saying stupid stuff. just know the majority of people here, me included, are grateful that you push unicycling to the limits. Because honestly a lot of the good unicyclists don’t post so the fact that you do, and take time with your videos shows that youre not too good for anybody. thats how i look it. great video man.

Hey Shaun, awesome video buddy. Just to let you know, I’m noticing your switch and blind stuff, well done. Hope you’re having a good time with Kelly, ride hard.


Man your good at street!


thats an amazing amount of content to post online for everyone to see. thanks shaun.

even if it seems a little repetative (didn’t to me) almost everything shaun is doing is different and a great display of some really technical and smooth riding.

great stuff.

Shaun, you say the only people that push you are those riding street with you. I’m sure exactly what this means, are you saying the only people that push you to be better are the people that you ride with? I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, I guess you just expect people to understand 'cause they’s all up in your language.

As far as I can tell, you go around “pushing” other people by telling them that their video wasn’t as good as it should be, but the only way to “push” you is to actually ride with you.

Now I’m not doubting your ability to ride a unicycle for a second. Let’s get this straight, I know you’re a great rider. That’s why you’re sponsored. But I’m sure you aren’t sponsored for being a modest rider.

An example, in Luke’s “Joy” video you say that Australian riders don’t have to worry about winter, so they can ride all year round. I don’t see how that helps to push a rider (but then again, I don’t live in Australia, so maybe they have different motivation methods).


Yeah, I know this post was kind of long, but seriously, who bothered to read it? And if people put this much thought into their posts then I’m sure there’d be a lot less clutter in these forums.

Steve07 buddy, that was actually a very intelligent post, that’s awesome. You seem to have gotten a pretty good read on Shaun. He’s an amazing rider, but it’s true, his methods of pushing people are kind of contradictory to how he would want to be pushed. Shaun often criticizes people’s videos in order to let them know that they are not up to his standard. For example, he might comment on the fact that they hop too much or whatever.

However, if I were, for example, to say that I don’t think his backflips and fakieflips look good because he keeps his back foot on, then that would only make him mad, it wouldn’t push him, because he doesn’t think I have any authority to say that. Hahaha. I also disagree with Shaun when he says that Kelly is the only rider that is up there with him. I think the only riders that Shaun truly respects are riders that ride only his style, and therefore pose no threat to him, because he is clearly the best at what he does. However, both my style, Luke’s, and Xav’s are completely different, and I don’t think he fully respects us as riders because we have different ideas about where street should go. Please note that by no means am I saying that I am a better rider than Shaun or that I pose a threat to him, because I really don’t. I think I have a few skill that he doesn’t, and he has many that I don’t hahahaha. I just think Shaun wants to be the best at what he’s doing…and I mean who doesn’t? We are all a little cocky about our riding, it’s just how we work.

So that was my big analysis for the day. All in all, I can’t wait to ride with Shaun again at fluck, it will being a flucking blast. (ohhhh JOKE!!)

See ya,
Kevin McMullin

It’s funny how about a quarter of all the video forums’ text content ends up being long posts that are connected to Shaun in some way. Is that his secret plan?

Let me also just mention that this video is absolutely insane. These tricks are just unheard of. His grinds are so technical, that I can’t even begin to think of being able to do anything like them. The fact that he is flipping into and out of tricks, blind and fakie is just insanely crazily ridiculous. Shaun, what you’ve done for street is simply unparalleled by anyone, except maybe Dan Heaton, because he is just Dan Heaton… hahaha. I’m so pumped that you’re riding harder than ever, and I can’t wait to see what comes out of your week with Kelly Hickman. See you soon man.

Kevin McMullin

your my idol shaun

In some ways, when I consider that he lives up in nowhere-ville and has what seems like 20 total places to ride, I think Shaun’s riding is even more amazing.

If I showed up to the same skate park every day looking at the same piece of concrete to grind on every day, how long before I am absolutely bored with the idea? And yet, video after video, he finds a new way to grind it. Pretty soon he’s gonna triple flip 540 unispin into the grind, then mid grind do a sexchange, and then do a 720 out to a 30 second still stand…

And someone will still complain that its the same old skate park… :wink:


Life is good.

Australia doesn’t have winters - Clear up why aussies seem so good. Would work out well riding year round (freestyle peeps inside of a gym have the same leisure).

Insults - I’m not here to say what’s good about a movie, everyone else does not. I’m here to say what is bad. They will either be pushed positively by what other people say, or be pushed from anger from what I said. I’m not expecting any nancy boys that are good.

Kevin - I hate my fakieflips and backflips too. But they work I suppose. lol

Being Pushed - I don’t get pushed by negitive comments, I get more pushed from positive comments. But mostly I get pushed by seeing it in person, and not so much by videos. Kevin M. You pushed me a lot when you were here, sadly it only really lasts for the time period I rode with you, that’s why I mentioned Kelly above and not you. Sorry man, I should have been thinking better and said something.

Respecting - I respect what you have done Kevin, more than other riders. I respect Xav for his flatland, I do think Xav gets too much credit for street, his flatlanding is top notch. His street though is not.

Modest - Hell no that I am. If you grow up in a condition where you don’t hear any positive comments from other people about yourself, you have to find a way to get through it. It’s the people that have been supported and slightly praised here and there through their times that are modest.

-Shaun Johanneson

“oh yeah thats how my baby rolls”
that was prolly my favorite of your videos and i like all ur videos
and i like how after every clip kyla jumps in front of the camera

That’s a bold statement about the World Street Champion if ever I read one… especially coming from someone who hasn’t ridden with him. You were just singing the praises of Kevin M in the same post and he got beaten by Xav. What can you do that’s so amazingly street that Xav can’t? He can 540 off of stuff, can you do that? He was 360ing down what, 7 sets 2 years ago, and you just 360d a 4 in your latest vid. Is that too flatlands for you? Just some ideas buddy.

Every been to Australia?

Sure our winters aren’t as cold as yours, but the weather is unpredictable. It rains alot, about every fourth ride I’ll catch an hour long train to go riding and it will rain. I cant drive to spots like you, And I dont live near any other riders. So I only get to film on weekends. Also, there’s no way I could set up a tripod at a skatepark. Melbournes parks are packed most days and the camera would die.

So yeah, that’s why Aussies(From Melbourne at least) aren’t as good as they could be.