Do we have enough "OUT the game"s yet?

I came up with the perfect solution. Just use this Greasemonkey script, and you will never have to see another one of these threads again :smiley:

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Out the Game
    // @namespace
    // @description $%@ the &?%#
    // @include* ,*
    // ==/UserScript==

(function() {

  var replacements, regex, key, textnodes, node, s;
  replacements = {
                "Out": "@&!",
                "out": "#%$",
                "OUT": "$%@",
                "game": "#?*%",
                "Game": "&#!%",
                "GAME": "&?%#",
                "OTG": "GTFO?"

        regex = {};

        for (key in replacements) {
    regex[key] = new RegExp(key, 'g');

        textnodes = document.evaluate( "//body//text()", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

        for (var i = 0; i < textnodes.snapshotLength; i++) {
    node = textnodes.snapshotItem(i);
    s =;
    for (key in replacements) {
        s = s.replace(regex[key], replacements[key]);
    } = s;




Sorry to bring this back up but i was wondering if the admins had ever talked about this. I don’t have anything against “Out the Games” (I wish i had the skill to compete! :p) but I have to admit that i would like to see them get a new section too. Its ok if they don’t but I think it would be useful. It would probably just fit better in my small compartmentalized mind :astonished: ;). i tend to not look past the first page of a section though.

I participate on Out The Game’s and I have improved heaps since joining them and yes, I agree they should have their own section of the forum tab. Who do we ask to get onto that?

If a new section is added it should be for all games. Then you guys could enjoy seeing Stack it Up and Back it Up leave RSU as well :wink:

+1: it think it’s better if unicycle games have there own section(like the france forum…)
It would also give a better view on the threats that already exists…
now there a lot of threats that are somewhere in the section, but if you don’t see them quick enough, somebody else starts derictly a new threat… + its easlyer if you want to join one… :stuck_out_tongue:

If there’s a new forum (which I fully support), I think competitions should go there too, like “Varial Roll Comp” “540 Unispin Comp” and such.

haha, this is what I first saw of this:

out game.bmp (232 KB)

We definitely need a new forum for games. And OUT the Game threads need to stop after like 3 rounds because I always come to OUT threads and by then they’re on the 12th round and instead of being a ‘Beginner’ OUT, they’re an ‘Expert’ OUT.

This is true as well. Games should not necessarily stop, the riders should be more realistic with their own riding levels. It seems like people stay in a single thread for weeks even if it’s obvious that they’ve surpassed the level suggested in the thread title…

Eli, well articulated.
But i agree, i could name a few people, particularly in the OTG freestyle and trials who way surpass the level suggested. and to me the street game is more of an intermediate/expert game than a beginner/intermediate :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm - so is it that we don’t have enough OUT the games yet? :smiley:

Yes - all the games are migrating upward in difficulty as the people playing are getting better. (Crankflips in the beginner game :astonished: )

It would be nice if we could just change some of the thread titles and keep playing. There’s certainly room for an intermediate/expert street game that’s still way below the level of the original OUT street game. And - at the risk of making even more threads, I’d play an expert trials game if people wanted to.

I had originally proposed that if you win a game then you get “kicked upstairs” and can’t play at that level any more. Maybe it’s time for that.

Treyflips down obstacles in the beginner game!! Definitely not a beginner level trick.

That’s actually a good idea.

Do we have enough flatland games yet?

There are currently six flatland games on page one. Seems like a bit much. :roll_eyes:

^^Out The Game-Flat beginner^^
– Out the Game Flat – Medium
Out The Game - Medium-Expert!
:slight_smile: OTG Flat Intermediate/Advanced
OUT the Game Flat Beginner/Intermediate
The Flatland Learning Game! ( Begginer/Intermediate)

Just sayin’

Another vote here for a dedicated “games” section. I think it’s a great idea!

It would be nicer for everybody. Easier to check the status of your games and it ddoesn’t get in the way of actual discussions about the Unicycle. It has my vote.

I vote YES for a Game section. And it would be nice to stablish the dificult of each levels with an example of tricks set imho.

We should probably just come up with a better rule set for these games. They aren’t really official, but we treat it like it is, so why not put some actual work into making these games more pleasant?

One of the problem is that people first enter in the OUT according to this level, but progress while playing, and then don’t go to the next level. So, in superbeginner people are wheel-walking, one foot, unispin… and then in medium people are doing treyflip :astonished: .

All those tricks are those levels, in the expert games 900 sides have been set before.

Edit: But +1 to a games section :slight_smile:

I think a games section would make it easier and if somebody did make a trick list then it would be helpful :stuck_out_tongue: