BUC 14 - People's Experiences!!

More pics, More videos!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Stockton guys for organising a fab convention.

Things I liked best:

  1. Meeting people - those I have met before and those I haven’t. It was great to meet you all. (And Into The Blue, I made no judgments about your cans of beer :smiley: )

  2. That there was so much for the kids and non-riders to do. Even Sam got involved and was allowed to take part in the show.

  3. Playing hockey with other beginners - I felt like I could actually play, rather than just riding up and down the pitch. I even scored some goals.

  4. The great sense of community that there is amongst unicyclists.

  5. That it started earlier than usual - on Thursday rather than Friday night. Even getting there on Friday luchtime made it seem like an extra day.

  6. Almost everything else - the videos, the shows, the competitions, (did I mention meeting other unicyclists?), the Beginner’s Muni on Sunday. A veritable unifest.

The only thing I didn’t like - the wheelbuilding tutorial - but only because I now feel the need to put it into practice :D.

Well, I had a fantastic time at this years BUC. It’s the first one I’ve been to, so can’t compare it to other years, but if it’s even half as good next year then I’ll have a great time! Unicyclists certainly do seem to be some of the nicest friendliest people around.

It was good to put a few faces to names of people on here, although I think there were quite a few people I spoke to without having a clue who they were (And probably without them knowing who I was either!).

Anyway, for you photo-lovers out there, here’s the group shot I took just before the start. If you are in it, can you identify yourself so I know who’s who. (And, in case you’re wondering, I’m the one on the other side of the camera!)


Hey everyone,

I had a wonderful time, loved the atmosphere, loved meeting new and old friends. Here is my top five:

  1. Me and Superjesper being there turned out to be a total coincidence:

me: I can’t make up my mind…
jesper: If you’re going, i’m going…
me: If you’re going, i’m going…
(jesper is about to type: well, let’s both not go, then, but I am faster, writing)
me: allright, let’s go!

  1. Mice in the Late-Room and Jesper not understanding the word ‘mice’ at five in the morning

3.getting to know Joe’s parents in the shower because the water wasn’t running

4.races with Steve

  1. meeting Mr. Bean

Thanks to everybody for being so welcoming, thanks to the organizers, and a million thanks to Steve and his family for giving me rides and much more.

Hope to meet you all in Fakse Ladeplads this summer!

Thank you all for coming and all of your lovely comments. It is good you all seamed to enjoyed your selves.

I would like to thank all the Stockon crew - I was only a small cog in this big machine. It was a true team effort; I am really proud of them all!


Loved it! Loved seeing all the people I’d met at UNICON again, loved the trials course, and loved making people do pressups :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers I really appreciate that. I was a bit worried how it would be received. I thought everybody put together some good videos and there was a nice mixture in there. You making yours public? as i’d like to see it again. Edd and Leo have put their’s online - anyone else? AJ? Anna? Joe etc

I’ve got a ton of photos from the trails and street comps. The light was fading towards the end but there are some good shots in there. I’ll post a link as soon as i sort through them.


To answer the original question.

It was my first BUC but not my first Uni meet.

I enjoyed the whole social side, meeting new and old faces from the forum and other meets such as London and NUTS.

I thought the main comps freestyle / trails / street were really well done. The street comp had a really good vibe and was of a standard much higher than i was expecting. 10 riders entered that i think compared to the 2 in freestyle.

The facilities in the school with the sleeping rooms / food etc and the 3 halls were excellent.

I arrived on Thursday wanting to get the most out of the full Friday but was disappointed that some of the workshops never happened (wheel walking / mounts etc). I appreciate that these are run by volunteers but i think a blackboard somewhere with any changes / cancellations etc would save people waiting around for things that were not happening or had been moved etc. From Friday afternoon onwards things picked up with more people arriving and lots more going on.

The show was good on saturday night and the muni ride on sunday morning was really enjoyable and relaxing. Good way to finish the weekend.

Big thanks to those organising the event - i enjoyed my first BUC alot.

It was my first BUC and even my first international uni meet.
I had a great time and here is what I liked best:

  • I forgot about the everyday worries and duties which is a wonderful thing.
  • Meeting a lot of nice & friendly people
  • sunday muni ride was fun even though the weather was a bit crappy.
  • workshops! wheelbuilding and maintenance!
  • video competition and evening-time entertainment

Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

Hip hip hurray

Thanks man! I was pretty nervous and absolutely fagged and shagged and fill of cake after all the trialsing but I’m glad I did it after all!

Thanks for encouraging me to go for it and cheering me, everyone (you can have my babies if u want them lucas).



BUC was the Best met sooo many new people.

hahaha i was also bricking it in the Street comp 2 xD but it was fun.

It can’t have been all bad GK! I know for a fact that you enjoyed playing on Leo’s bop it! I found that stupid press-up game annoying too, but I just let them get on with it. They can’t force you to do something you don’t want to do!

Thanks for putting up all of the street runs by the way! Although I can’t download them, im sure I will work it out!

Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy it too much! :frowning:

Rock on!

I’ve posted my video entry for the competition over here

My first BUC and I had a great time! It was cool to meet lots of friends and new people, see some amazing things done on and off unicycles, eat food, drink brown-falling-over-water, ride a few miles, meet a couple of Police officers…

Lots of thanks to lots of people who were nice to me throughout and lent me things to play with.

Just to clear up, when Steve says I left my lights at their house and then got stopped by the Police in the dark: I only left my front light, and still had reflective vest and rear light- just a poor one! They took me in their Police van and fed me hot chocolate and took me part of the way back up to meet Miark who was nice enough to come down to fetch me :slight_smile:

Next time - better lights and less incompetent map-reading and it’ll all be good.

Look forward to next time


Hey guys…

pleased you had a great BUC, me too! Roger was a main driving force, even though he wouldnt admit it. Another person who it couldnt have happened without was Paul Tasker. Without him we wouldnt have nearly as much for the trials, and definatly no street course! Big thanks to the rest of the team too! :slight_smile:

I’m sad you didnt enjoy yourself GK. You seemed to be having a good time everytime I saw you, and we had a good laugh. You memory card going in and out - like other things was a highlight!!! Thanks for your PM btw, I’m going to look into GP!

Ive got loads of highlights, but some highlights of the highlights were getting to know people better, rather than just a ‘unicycle mates’. Seeing Steph and Super Jasper, Afro Steve (shame about the car!!) seeing old mates and meeting new ones. Brendan doing pressups on the side of the road on the way home, then driving away from him… and to finish off a great weekend, steak and eggs with Lucas, Brendan and Emrys when I got home!

I look forward to seeing more pics and videos.

Thanks for coming, and see ya’ll soon!


BUC rocked! Me and Tristan were the first to arrive on Thursday and we left Monday at 5ish so it was definitely worth it, special thanks to Roger and Connie for letting me borrow a 36" and letting me sleep at their place (and letting me see UDC) and probably a lot of things I havn’t even mentioned. It seemed to me that everyone was having a good time, even GK though he won’t admit it haha I loved everything even doing pushups, I think it’s a good way for me to start training again. Oh yeah, I also loved kicking Lucas’ and Mike’s ass at trials, that was sweet…

Oh, and apperently I loved everyone touching my knees, bunch of freaks! Oh, and Connie called me a 17 year old dutch stud… mm… all in all a very good weekend.

P.S. Amanda you suck at unicycling

Aye the hole weekend was gruuaat like, proper good laff. (typing in geordie is too hard)

Was proper fun though, definetly my favourite one yet,
International Vibe was great, just wished i was at all linguistic
Push Up Game was quality everyone i saw get caught was a great sport and did them, we even got Paul Royle who is like Head of the biggest union of unicyclists in the Uk the UUU lol.
Like Joe said getting to know people as people not just Uni mates,
Brendan having similar music taste too me, must be one of the only ones.
Brendan raping me and everyone getting the idea that i raped them.
Playing such a crazy game on saturday night with all those great people all getting involved.
Social Side was quality,
Middle Paul for entering freestyle and saving me from being a loner, he also did a great job on it.
Meeting Kit and Pete was cool good laugh, chicken impression should be in next years show
Hacki Sak
Trying to communicate with Adrian in the end just let our riding do the talking as cheesey as that sounds.
Street Comp working so well,
Freestyle routine running smoothly
Standard of the Trials Course
Late Night Gladiators
Kevin Mcmullin was just quality all weekend
The cheerleaders in the corner for Hockey made it very amusing and knocked my ego when i was out goal keeped by Anna against Southampton

Not enough entries in freestyle
I missed sam the poi kids routine, i think it was sam
struggled to get my opinions across in UUU AGM
Failing to communicate with Adrian
Dustin and Tristan actually getting to BUC - what were the odds lol joking love you both.
Food could have been better
Not qualifieing in Hockey
Not playing basketball my fault though
Smashing my knee up damn bad last night its now pretty swollen
Few too many press ups
Don’t think i got mike once at that game

dustin you were loving the attention :stuck_out_tongue:

lol BUC was awesome for me, i’d never been to a big unicycling meet and it was really cool. it was also really fun to do the freestyle competition, and it was all so relaxed it was funny. Although i’m sorry about the wet spot that i left for the other competitors…

it was so cool to meet so many cool people i’m so glad i went.

i have to many thanks to say, but i will mention Joe baxter who is just a quality guy and a really funny driver LOL

although i’m happy that i dont have to do pressups anymore lol

edit : just like to mention that i have no idea how i raped lucas - he was on top of me…


lol only u would pick up on that one :stuck_out_tongue:

bloody duch