Backspace or delete?

So what do you guys do?
Go to the end of the word and backspace?
or infront and Delete?

I’m a deleter myself.


I use backspace, but I’m on a macbook so it is really called delete. There is no key for the other kind of delete.


depends on whether i’m already closer to the front or the back of the word.

Backspace is more practical

both, depends on where i’m at in my typing adventure.

I’m a backspacer, I just learned about delete.

I delete from the back of the word :slight_smile:

backspace, what’s backspace?

[fn]+[delete]=traditional “delete”



Ya I was going to point this out for you…but someone beat me to it.

I like to mix it up, I have no real preference. I’ve used both on the same word before, just for the heck of it.

Depends what I’m doing and what’s fastest.

Sometimes (often enough to be a pattern I’ve come to recognize), I do a combo.

This is a sentence (foobar).

To delete the word ‘foobar’ above, you also need to get rid of the parentheses and the space before. So I…

  • double-click the word ‘foobar’ to highlight it
  • then I hit delete, delete, backspace, backspace

I do it fast, and it annihilates the entire part I want gone, without messing up the good stuff. For some reason, this comes up often.

This pales in comparison to what you can do in vi.

I find the question to be much too personal to discuss here.

I use the backspace far more often than the delete key. Even if I’ve selected some characters to delete I’ll use the backspace key instead of the delete key to remove them.

I don’t ignore the delete key completely. I regularly use the home and end keys and if my fingers are already over there for the home and end I’ll use the delete key if necessary.

A fun key combo for Windows is the ctrl+backspace. It erases the previous word. ctrl+delete does the same for the following word delete style.

One problem with the delete key is that it gets relocated on different keyboards. You can’t develop a muscle memory for it the way you can for the backspace key if you use different keyboards or use laptops.

Me too.

I’m a deleter.

On one program I use, by pressing COntrol Delete the next word id deleted.

On oanother prpgram, the whole line disappears.

So the programs trained me to be a deleter.

I also press COntrol and the back arrow and land at the start of the word.

well i usualy just highlight the word/sentance and either hit delete or backspace :smiley:

I’m pretty sure you get the equivalent of delete (in some programs at least) by holding the Control key with delete (backspace). I’d check it but my laptop is not on. It’s in there somewhere…

I use the leftward delete (Mac) more often, but it mostly depends where the cursor is. I don’t go to the mouse unless that will save me time.

90% of the time backspace, otherwise delete if im at the start of the word