Vi rockz0rz your b0x0rz!
That’s what i do too. :
I’m usually a backspacer, but it really depends what i am typing…
If the bit i wanna change is in the middle of a sentece/part way through a word i usually delete, but if the word i wanna get rid of is right at the end of a line i will backspace.
Same, about the macbook too.
Again, for those of you who missed it
(fn)+(delete)=Normal Delete Function
I know these things already!
I keeps it old school with my ^H
I’ve got a phobia of those keys soooo…I just shut down the document/web page and then re-type everything.
It took me four times to get this sentence right.
The blonde girls all use White Out on the screen.
I do believe you mean blonde.
I think that is true everywhere except the states, they spell stuff funny there
edit: i should really delete this post as it has nothing to do with the original subject.
What? It does say blonde. You must have hit backspace.
It can be spelled both ways.
yet another macbook user with no ‘backspace’ key
I delete both directions, though primarily from the back of the word since one button is always easier to push than 2 at the same time.
on my PC, it depends what’s fastest.