Backspace or delete?

Vi rockz0rz your b0x0rz!

That’s what i do too. :

I’m usually a backspacer, but it really depends what i am typing…
If the bit i wanna change is in the middle of a sentece/part way through a word i usually delete, but if the word i wanna get rid of is right at the end of a line i will backspace.

Same, about the macbook too.

Again, for those of you who missed it

(fn)+(delete)=Normal Delete Function

I know these things already! :roll_eyes:

I keeps it old school with my ^H

I’ve got a phobia of those keys soooo…I just shut down the document/web page and then re-type everything.

It took me four times to get this sentence right.

The blonde girls all use White Out on the screen.

I do believe you mean blonde.

I think that is true everywhere except the states, they spell stuff funny there :slight_smile:

edit: i should really delete this post as it has nothing to do with the original subject. :wink:

What? It does say blonde. You must have hit backspace.

It can be spelled both ways.

yet another macbook user with no ‘backspace’ key :sunglasses:

I delete both directions, though primarily from the back of the word since one button is always easier to push than 2 at the same time.

on my PC, it depends what’s fastest.