20-year memory

I haven’t posted here in many, many years, but was doing some home office cleaning this afternoon and ran across this old tattoo from some 20+ years ago. Anyone remember these? I know who it is, just curious if you do.


Being someone who had never met a unicycle until 2018, let alone a unicycle supermodel, I wouldn’t have had a clue, except that (spoiler alert) the man himself generously shared the original image with a shocked new generation of the unicycling community just a few weeks ago!


I knew who it was because of the thread that @holyroller was referring to, but I didn’t realize: that was @harper from over 20 years ago?


This just gets better and better. A tattoo? :star_struck: Either this is a hilarious coincidence, or a well organized marketing scheme aimed at unsuspecting, innocent unicyclists.


Confusion!!! Why would anyone make such a tattoo? Pose in such a way essentially for a child’s gumball machine tattoo ? or even want that on their body? It’s beyond me ,I’m also confused on why part of Holly rollers post is redacted? Was that done by the forum ? or is it done for effect by Holly roller? I feel the market for such an item would have been next to zero.
This could be the strangest post I have read on this forum ever.

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I used the ‘blur spoiler’ feature in the message editor in case people didn’t want any clues as they puzzled over @yoopers’ original question - you can unblur it by clicking / tapping.
I’m only claiming knowledge of the source photo and who the ‘model’ was - I actually have no idea what a ‘tattoo’ is in this context - clearly a missing part of my cultural upbringing!
Finally I’m laughing at the thought of ‘Holly roller’ - or wincing maybe :joy:

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I’m disappointed to see that you’re not wearing that tattoo. Rhysling made a thousand of them. I still have a few and, when some people find out they exist, they still ask for them. David Stone wore one in Minneapolis (where they were first distributed) on a place on his body that I stlll cannot unsee. Say “hi” to Mary, Ben, Brad, and the grandkids for me.

P.S. I’ve switched from root beer to sarsaparilla.


Greg, I would wear it, but I’m having a hard time finding a spot for it, you know, with all my other tattoos. :slight_smile: We’re clearing things out, and Irene expressed an interest in the tattoo, so I’m sending it to her.

I’ve switched from career to retired. Kids and grandkids (four now) are all great. We hope to relocate in a couple years to be with our grandkids.

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Before the tattoo there were T-shirts (unless I’ve got things out of order). Unfortunately the shirts didn’t hold up very well in the wash…

Here’s the T-shirt at the 2004 California Mountain Unicycle Weekend (Truckee, CA). Left to right: my beautiful wife Jacquie, me, Gilby, Harper, Sarah and Karl Hoyer, John Childs. Good times!


So even the T-shirts are real!

I was sure this was a joke. All (conveniently) gone and all evidence (conveniently) washed away. :sweat_smile:


A quick search wold have gotten you in less than 5 seconds to this thread: Order your Harper HOTTIE T-shirts now!


It’s Robert Plant.

Why does the lyrics for Black Dog from Led Zeppelin come to mind?

“…Hey-hey, mama, said the way you move
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove…”



Is that @thenoli 's dad?! :rofl:

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