You know you're a unicyclist when...

You know you’re a unicyclist when…

  • You look at your BMX or MTB and realize it only 1 wheel.
  • Where everything that is round makes you want to unicycle.
  • Your alarm clock resembles a unicycle.
  • Your only purpose in life is to unicycle.

Omg I laughed so hard.

You know your a (TRUE!!!) unicyclist when:

Not only do you spend more time unicycling then with your partner, you spend more time talking about unicycling with anyone then you do talking to your partner about anything, period.

dood… like for reals i do that :astonished:

… when the walls inside your house have tire tracks on them.

I keep painting over them, but they keep coming back.

when you own so many unicycles that your spouse stops being surprised when you buy another one.

You know you’re a unicyclist when…

When I’m conscious! :smiley:

(A more accurate thread title would have been: You know you’re obsessed with unicycling when…)

You know you are unicyclist when you see a bike tire and get excited because you thought it was a uni.

I got a kick out of this one, i got those stickers everywhere!

I cut them into strips that just say “Unicycle.” and use them as bumper stickers. It sounds like a command. Unicycle. But it is also just a word that sums up all that is great.

Just to recap (plus a few others)

You know you are a unicyclist when…
• You give people on bicycles weird looks.
• You own more than 1 unicycle.
• You own 10 or more unicycles.
• You see a clown at a circus, and wonder if he’d want to go on a ride.
• When you’re driving through a city, you’re scanning for nice trials lines.
• You think man this would be easier to balance on if only it had a single wheel.
• You ride a unicycle while bringing out the garbage.
• When you realize you spend so much time on your unicycle that you can’t ride a bike any more.
• You instinctively go into “unicycle mode” while trying to ride your road bike with no hands causing you to crash embarrassingly.
• Any one of your unicycles is worth more than your car.
• You choose an apartment/flat solely on the basis of how close the trails are.
• Your legs are tan only to mid-thigh.
• Your arm tan stops sharply at the wrist.
• You shins and calves are made up of scar tissue.
• The first thing you ask when you regain consciousness is "How’s my unicycle?”
• You actually move farther from work so that the unicycle commute will be more heavy duty.
• Your work colleagues think of unicycles as a mainstream form of transport.
• You mentally log every meal as “good fuel” or “bad fuel”
• You learn you have X money left after paying the bills and the first thing you do is log onto
• Your car, computer, microwave, dishwasher and toilet cistern are all “powered by
• You dream of winning the lottery, and the first thing you think of is how many/which unicycles.can that money buy?
• You can tell your significant other with a straight face that it’s too hot to mow the lawn then take off on an epic MUni ride.
• You buy a car based on whether your Coker will fit in the back.
• You pull up on your steering wheel when driving up a hill.
• Your car is parked in the driveway because your unicycles are parked in the garage.
• You know the distance of every point of interest within 20 miles of your house as well as the location of every pot-hole along the way.
• You use a toothbrush to clean your unicycle.
• It is an electric toothbrush.
• You use a regular toothbrush, the electric toothbrush is for the unicycle.
• You read this expecting it to be funny and then realize that it all applies to you.
• When people at work start talking about unicycles too.
• You’re driving home from work and every fence, concrete wall etc. becomes a skinny, and you think to yourself, “I can ride that.”
• You base the purchase of your ‘New House’ on the unicycle trials potential.
• The clown jokes come from passer byers.
• You’re recognized locally With your unicycle
• You’re recognized locally WITHOUT your unicycle.
• When you can’t spend 100$ on a bike but 500$ on a unicycle.
• When you are dreaming about unicycling every night.
• When you can’t put any unicycle in the shed in the backyard.
• When you draw tiny unicycles everywhere in your school/job work.
• When strangers ask you if you’re castrated.
• Where everything that is round makes you want to unicycle.
• Your alarm clock resembles a unicycle.
• Your only purpose in life is to unicycle.
• When the walls inside your house have tire tracks on them
• When you own so many unicycles that your spouse stops being surprised when you buy another one.
• You know you are unicyclist when you see a bike tire and get excited because you thought it was a unicycle.
• You spend months continually customizing one or more unicycles.
• You get agitated after missing a day without unicycling.
• You start a unicycle club.

I’m at 43 out of 50. :smiley:

When your balls auto.retract once your but hits the seat.

you hear “all-wheel-drive vehicle” and assume unicycle.

You know you’re a unicyclist…When someone draws you as an “action hero”, lol! :stuck_out_tongue: :roll_eyes: :o
(And when you think the word “Universe” is a passage in a poem about unicycling! :slight_smile: )

(Artwork by Geoff Bond)

Good one!

My Schlumpf isn’t.

Maybe you need to try a different brand of paint? :smiley:

I wish.

I gotta get me one of those!

Isn’t it a title of a blockbuster, earth-changing video?

Soooo many of these apply :slight_smile:

Haha yeah

*When you associate Bhutan with unicycling.

still chuckling at;
“*You pull up on your steering wheel when driving up a hill”

Made me laugh out loud, but i never write the abbreviated version of that…

Good list.

You know you’re a STREET unicyclist when:

you count all the stairs in the street:)

One I thought of today:

You know you’re a unicyclist when:
*Every time you see ‘moments’ in physics you think of KH cranks :smiley:

I dont know if it already has been said but…

You know you’re a unicyclist when everytime you get on a bike you think it’s really funny to ride:p

You know you’re a unicyclist when some unknown people ask you if you’re the unicycle guy/girl!

You know your a unicyclist when you hop on a bike and start going as fast as you can to see if you adrenaline level will compare to that of your 36 er;)