You know you're a unicyclist when...

You know you’re a unicyclist when…
-you give people on bicycles weird looks
-You see a clown at a circus, and wonder if he’d want to go on a ride
-When you’re driving through a city, you’re scanning for nice trials lines

Feel free to add your own

You know you are a unicyclist when you discover you can’t create children =)

You think man this would be easier to balance on if only it had a single wheel.

Paper will spontaneously combust when held anywhere near your crotch.

and I refer you to these threads:

You know when you have had a tough Muni ride when…

You know you have had a good ride when…


You know you’re a unicyclist when…you ride a uni while bringing out / down the garbage…

real men dont need two wheels!

when you realise you spend so much time on your unicycle that you cant ride a bike any more.

You know you’re a unicyclist when you instinctively go into “unicycle mode” while trying to ride your road bike with no hands causing you to crash embarassingly. As I stumble to my feet literally seeing flashing colors and stars, I say to myself, “NOT MY BIKE!” Gotta have your priorities. :sunglasses:

I did this a few years ago, thought I’d pull up the thread for interest:

You know you are a unicyclist when…

*Any one of your unicycles is worth more than your car
*You choose an apartment/flat solely on the basis of how close the trails are
*You legs are tan only to mid-thigh
*Your arm tan stops sharply at the wrist
*You shins and calves are made up of scar tissue
*The first thing you ask when you regain consciousness is "How’s my unicyle?
*You actually move farther from work so that the unicycle commute will be more heavy duty
*Your work colleagues think of unicycles as a mainstream form of transport
*You mentally log every meal as “good fuel” or “bad fuel”
*You learn you have X money left after paying the bills and the first thing you do is log onto
*Your car, computer, microwave, dishwasher and toilet cistern are all “powered by
*You dream of winning the lottery, and the first thing you think of is how many/which unicycles can that money buy?
*You can tell your significant other with a straight face that it’s too hot to mow the lawn then take off on an epic MUni ride
*You buy a car based on whether your Coker will fit in the back
*You pull up on your steering wheel when driving up a hill
*Your car is parked in the driveway because your unicycles are parked in the garage
*You signal a turn and hit your wife
*You know the distance of every point of interest within 20miles of your house as well as the location of every pot-hole along the way
*You use a toothbrush to clean your unicycle
*It is an electric toothbrush
*You use a regular toothbrush, the electric toothbrush is for the unicycle
*You read this expecting it to be funny and then realise that it all applies to you


When people at work start talking about unicycles too.

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…your readin this thread

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You know your a unicyclist when;

Your driving home from work and every fence, concrete wall etc becomes a skinny, and you think to yourself, i can ride that.

You base the purchase of your ‘New House’ on the unicycle trials petential.

The clown jokes come from passer byers.

(The best one to date is; “Is that a fixed wheel single speed”)

You’re recognized locally without your unicycle.

I usually get “where’s your bike?” I don’t bother correcting them.:stuck_out_tongue:

-When you can’t spend 100$ on a bike but 500$ on a unicycle.
-When you are dreaming about unicycling every night.
-When you can’t put any unicycle in the shed in the backyard.
-When you draw tiny unicycles everywhere in your school works.

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Yep, even the 29" and 24" covered in mud both stay in my bedroom on top of the wardrobe :o

when strangers ask you if you’re castrated

… you can ride a unicycle…

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…when you watch more YouTube videos of unicycling than of belly dancing.

you know you’re a unicyclist when you own a unicycle and can ride it.

Woot!! my first major thread!! keep 'em comin, these are funny (but sadly true)

You know you’re a unicyclist when you refuse to walk inside you’re house, instead cleanin off your uni, and being careful!

I’ve been wrestling for 8 years and if u take the highlighted statement, and multiply it by about 1,500, you’ll get the wrestling attitude.