Wunschkonzert Countdown!

haha, obsession :roll_eyes:

Peter M

I believe it is 69 days! Very exciting. Approaching that two month mark. Everything is good in the world. This will be the greatest time of my life. ha. It just has to beat California.

Lucas Wintercrane days left. We almost missed ya ol’ chap. (it’s actually 68 days for germany now. ha. Oh well i’m still on the 10th gosh darnit.)

-Shaun Johanneson

66 days left. Crazy crazy. I’m thinking about getting a slope style event together if anyone is interested. I’ll post a thread about it later.

-Shaun Johanneson

64 days left. Redic. Close to just two months.

-Shaun Johanneson

doh! Missed Joe Baxter days til Wunschkonzert :stuck_out_tongue:

Nevermind, I cant believe how fast the weeks are flying by!
Before we know it, we will be partying :slight_smile:


Christina Blauenfeldt days

Erwan Juin days

you should take a look at the participants list, it becomes more and more awesome :smiley:
Thanks a lot that you all can make it possible to come to Wunschkonzert III

7 weeks and 1 day, or something.

I believe its Nadine Koester (50) days till Wunschkonzert :slight_smile:

I can almost see it


48 days, 46 days until fly out. (46 days until I see Kelly Hickman, muhaha)

Johannes Burger days until convention.

I have bet Xaier Collos won’t make it to this one either. lol

-Shaun Johanneson

Edgar Escuer days

Gael Dusser days left until convention. (46)
Antoine Perdereau days left until fly out and seeing Kelly Hickman. (44)

Really excited about the turn out for the convention. I’m really hoping Xavier Collos goes. Should be a really good time. I hope I don’t get injuried before hand.

-Shaun Johanneson

1800unispin days till Wunschkonzert.


omgosh! this guy rocks :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

dont know how much days left but woot wuko is coming!! i m so excited

Jess Riegel days until wuko

I want page 8!!!

42 days until fly out, 44 days until convention!!! So sick yo! 6 weeks. Four of which are all winterbreak, they’ll fly by.

-Shaun Johanneson

I want page 8!!!

-Shaun Johanneson

I want beer :smiley:

Peter M

me too

Speaking of you, I added you on MSN.
So please accept me :wink:

Peter M