There I was getting rid of some junk out of my garage(over here in Wellington, NZ), and behold…A KH unicycle. It was my lucky day.
or it was someone’s bad day
check that out
you should return it … seriously
What a coincidence!!
so are you going to give it back?
Na, finders keepers!
Do you want to sell it, I’ll give you 20 bucks, you can double your money!
what if it was your unicycle ?? wouldn’t you want it back … and ill give you 40
$65 takes it…+ shipping of course.
thats awesome
haha but really i think we should give pete66 first chance @ it
It’s an amazing coincidence that you picked up the same unicycle as the one that Pete66 lost but you should really give it back :).
If not because you’re nice but because you want to uphold the good reputation unicyclists have for being lovely people!
I’ll wave the shipping for pete.
I’m a bastard. I’m keeping it.
That’s a long walk from Virginia to New Zeland!
how much is shipping to corpus christi TX??
You’re taking first place in the Special Olympics PDC. But I’m lovin’ it! hehehehe.
take off, loser…
i think he should give it back, but he’s being mean … and shipping would be …wow
Did you know that the word “gullible” was omitted from the dictionary?
You Sub-Human
Looses faith in mankind
shhh…you aren’t supposed to give hints
thats just gay