WOW, I found a unicycle at the dump

Thius thread rocks…but ill give ya $75+ship for it!

This is awesome.

I’ll trade you a nickel and a red crayon for it.

Hey, I’m just trying to promote a feeling of cheer.

ok then, ill give you $100 a red crayon, orange crayon, and maybe even some JELLO!!!

What’s really odd is most threads started by pdc contain pics.

Pictures please.

This is what I picked up on my last trip to the dump.

He’s fooling us guys come on don’t anybody notice that?

wow all this happened today!!

I dunno, It sur looks like those unis have been to the dump.:wink: Somebody decided to give up unicycleing!:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


6 Unicycles found at the dump in April of 2005. 1 unicycle found June 2006. With your luck, you really should go to the dump more often.

Hope so :o

Re: WOW, I found a unicycle at the dump

“pdc” wrote in message …
> This is what I picked up on my last trip to the dump.
> ±------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |Filename: 100_1018 small.JPG |
> |Download: |
> ±------------------------------------------------------------------+

I had a dump today too… but, trust me, you don’t want to see pictures
of it!


hehehehe, i are seriously pdc? tell the truth. ill give you 100 bucks for it.


He didnt find all those…i think he’s lieing, thats worth so much $$$!

He’s got to be telling the truth, why would he lie. I also think that you should apologize to PDC for calling him a liar.

In NZ people are rich, they just send anything they are tired of to the dump.

Man, I wish I was in NZ like PDC! :slight_smile:

why would PDC want another uni?? he probally has like 10 now… just give it back to the owner for free.