Wierd ways of getting to sleep?

I read this darwin award where two guys were trying to get to sleep using laughing gas, the only thing they forgot was to put some oxygen in so they died from suffication.

but my way of getting asleep is to slam my head in a car door till i pass out, and i do it all with hardly any brain damage-amage-amage-amage-amage-amage-amage-amage-amage-cookie! :thinking:

If youā€™re still reading the Darwin Awards, there must be plenty damageā€¦

I just stay up until Iā€™m tired, then go to bed. Usually asleep soon after. Then I sleep until I wake up naturally.

if i cant fall asleep i try to set a new personal record for not blinking. than my eyes are all watery so i shut them and before i know it, im alseep.

=)Rileyā€¦ the shindig

yeah, well, Iā€™m 15, so I donā€™t have a computer in my roomā€¦not to mention I have a loft bed, so that would jsut make it even harder