Ever since i was a child ive always had a strange way of getting to sleep. It involves me kneeling down and holding the pillows in a certian comptable way and swaying side to side and singing. Once i get tired i simply roll over onto my back and within 2 minutes im asleep. The reason why i havent grown out of it is because i find it so fun and good practice for singing.
Anyone have wierd ways of sleeping? there must be others out there.
There are actually alot of people who sleep like that when they are a kid, In one of my nonverbal classes we did a short segment on sleeping habbits. I forget the % but sleeping with you knees and elbows under your body is common enough be named, I believe they call it the sphinx.
I had a friend back in grade school who couldn’t fall asleep unless he had “Licensed to Ill” blasting at full volume through his headphones.
I could never sleep over at his house 'cause the sound would be so loud I’d hear it too, and couldn’t fall asleep!
These days I wish I could fall asleep to blasting music… it’d drown out all the thoughts of homework and exams that are constantly whirring about in my head. sigh
i fall asleep listening to death metal all the time… loudish too… and i leave all my windows wide open, even in the winter when its like…well… not if its below 0, but till then, they are open
I do pretty much the same thing as Denali. but I often listen to music, or some book on tape or something while I’m falling asleep. usually if it’s not music, it’s Harry Potter. and also, I often have a mug of hot chocolate or just plain hot milk before bed. that kinda helps too.
oh, I forgot I do have one ritual, though I don’t think it helps me go to sleep, it’s just something I do. I always solve a cube blindfolded right before bed. once I open my eyes and see that cube SOLVED, it makes me feel good and I can sleep in peace. or, another thing I do is read e-mails before bed. not new ones, but old ones that I’ve recieved a looong time ago. those give me something to ponder and often give me a warm/fuzzy feeling inside.
As soon as I lay down and put my head on my pillow, im passed out until my alarm goes off for school. and when its a weekend i sleep until like 12 or 1. unless its a nice day. and i also sleep with my window open, becaseu its gotta be dark, pitch black and cool.
I just lay in bed and review the day, thinking about what I said and did. What people acted like; what I saw. Sometimes I will come up with really neat ideas when falling asleep like what to do the next day or a little character that I could draw. It’s almost like a private brainstorming/day-reviewing session.
If Im trying to nap during the day, I lay on the coach and watch my “A cinderella story” dvd. Then I’m out in like 5-10. For somereason
If its at night and I cant sleep… I usually read for an hour…and then I’m out.
Not weird positions tho.
however, I have done weird things while sleeping… I’ve yelled at people, taken a shower more than once, walked half way across university campus in the middle of the night, woken up naked watching tv (always scary)… etc etc.
Sometimes my boyfriend gets scared of me when I’m asleep. One time I woke up, looked at him, meowed and went back to bed.
Haha I had an ex girlfriend who would do about the same she would wake me up in the middle of the night only to moo, meow, or make other barnyard noises. She would never believe me when I told her, anyway it had to be one of the strangest things ever to wake up to.
I’ve been told that I talk and giggle in my sleep, in addition to farting loudly. HAven’t woken up naked yet though, man that’d be weird. I haven’t slept well, I keep having these horrible recurring zombie dreams. damn I hate zombies
I use my computer as a noise generator. I built up a .wav file that sounds like a waterfall, and I have that loop all night long. It helps to mask out all of the little noises in my building. I have other sound loops, with plain whitenoise or frogs and such, but the waterfall seems to work the best.
I practice playing my pennywhistle, not by actually playing it, but by blowing over the top of the mouthpiece so that it sort of whispers the pitch. I think it’s the ssshhh-ing sound combined with the slow breathing that makes me drowsy.
I’m told I’m a werid sleeper as I sleep with my knees in the air, lying on me back with my feet drawn up. Paul recons I have sticky feet as normal peoples musles should relax and their legs fall over side ways.
I’ve sleept like this as long as I can remember, I think its normal.