who would win in a fight: the hulk vs. spiderman

me and my friend were having this argument and i thought i’d put it on line i think the hulk would win.


If he can beat Venom, Doc Oc, Goblin and Green Goblin, Rhino, AND Sable, plus any others that I can’t think of, he could beat the Hulk pretty easily.

Spidy, no question. The Hulk fights out of rage, Spidy fights in precision.

Go Spidy!

I think that Spiderman would win…The Hulk’s only power is that he’s angry, and super strength. Spiderman has super strength, while it might not be as super as the Hulks, he also has spider sense, he can climb walls, and shoot webs.

For the sake of argueing, I’m going to say the Hulk would win!

Because, uh… he’s green! Yeah!

Spidey doesn’t stand a chance.


haha nice

i vote spidetrman

Hulk, because one hit to spidey and he would be out, but if spiderman used his web on the hulk it wouldn’t really effect him.

just have to throw this out there…


That doesn’t affect my vote much.

In fact, it makes me lean over more strongly towards Spidey. :wink:

Spiderman… The Hulk sucks.

But SheHulk… grrrrr… I’d tap that green.

That’s where you and I - hell, most people - differ. :wink:

spider-man would web the Hulk up to ying and he couldn’t even move. The hulk is just a big clumsy green thing.

this is a very easy fix see what we will do is put the hulk and spiderman in the same cage with the all great CHUK NORRIS and they will both be left to die after recieing a roundhouse kick to the face!


chuck norris would beat the hulk, no problem. But, spiderman would whup Chuck

Spiderman, duh. The hulk isn’t much better than Kingpin.

not to thread jack, but in the same veign I’ve been wondering who would win if Brad Pitt from Fight Club fought Brad Pitt from Troy…

This is like comparing two “professional” wrestlers and trying to figure out who would win based on logic.

In this case, “logic” tells us that the author of the story decides who will win. And if Spidey wins this week, Hulkster can still win next week, and so on.

I guess that applies to Chuck Norris as well, unless he’s in his “selling exercise machines” mode, in which case I don’t give him a chance.

I think you may be missing the point.

The point is that each could beat the other. It’s all in the quality of the storytelling. In other words, I think I could write a decent account of a conflict in which either one of them would come out on top.

Sorry, didn’t mean to poop on anyone else’s fun…

Perhaps a better rewording-

Who would you root for in battle- Spiderman or the Hulk?