In the spirit of the 100 mile list, which is now heading towards 40 riders, and seems to have really inspired a few people (myself included) to get out and do some big rides, I’d like to start off a 24 hour list.
The rules:-
A ride done for 24 hours. Can be a race, world record attempt, epic muni ride gone wrong or whatever. Whatever it is, you have to have started it at a particular time one day, and still being riding at the same time the next day. Stops for injuries, eating, having a piss etc. allowed, but you must still be going by the next day. Basically, you know if you did a 24 hour ride, just be nice and no cheating. If you did a race, if you finished, then that’s okay, if you had to drop out before the end, then it isn’t.
Support crews etc. allowed, as I guess most people who’ve done this have been in some kind of lap race, it’d be darned cool if anyone has done it unsupported though - I think my longest completely unsupported ride was about 16-18 hours (overnight London -> the sea ride).
Riding in a team relay obviously doesn’t count.
Also, put a * next to your name if you’ve done it off road.
Oh and distances if you know them.
Names I know for sure:-
Joe Marshall (78 miles)* (Mountain Mayhem 2002)
Ken Looi* (Rotarua Moonride 2003/2004, 24 hr World record 2005?)
Nathan Hoover* (Rotarua Moonride 2004?)
Sam Wakeling (24 hr world record 2007)
Rob Northcott* (Sleepless in the Saddle 2008)
there must be a few others though - the previous 24 hour record holders, other random solo nutters etc.
For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s the perfect time of year for this kind of ride too, so get out there people!